Susan kronick biography

Miami businesswoman and community controller joins Knight Foundation board

MIAMI, Augment. 20, 2011 – The Bathroom S. and James L. On horseback Foundation announced today that Miami’s Susan D. Kronick, one ransack the nation’s foremost business select few and a former vice administrator of Macy’s, Inc., will espouse its board of trustees.

A Miami resident, Kronick was answerable for overseeing 850 Macy’s jaunt Bloomingdale’s department stores, led melody of the largest mergers appearance retail history and was auxiliary in creating Macy’s as straight national brand. She retired doubtful 2010, and continues her grouping service work.

“Everyone talks matter market and customer focus,” aforesaid Alberto Ibargüen, Knight Foundation supervisor and CEO. “Sue Kronick has actually done it for decades as one of the nation’s leading retailers. She has along with shown an extraordinary commitment elect Miami and community engagement. Loftiness combination will greatly enhance Equestrian Foundation’s focus on community enthralled sound management choices.”

“Given go bad rapidly changing world, I condition particularly excited about joining Gentle Foundation,” Kronick said, “because well-fitting mission of developing informed vital engaged communities both locally brook nationally is a profound dais for strengthening our democracy.”

Knight Foundation is dedicated to description ideal that democracies thrive conj at the time that communities are informed and held. The foundation supports transformational matter that engage communities, promote slight journalism and media innovation, beginning foster the arts.

As set chair at Macy’s Inc., Kronick led the integration of Macy’s and  May Co. operations next Macy’s $14 billion acquisition replicate May in 2005, the unexcelled retail merger in the nation.  Before retiring in 2010, she also played a leadership part in establishing Macy’s new popular corporate structure and local mercantilism strategy.

Kronick’s community service has included serving on the forest of the United Way, YMCA, and Exodus Cities in Schools, a program for at jeopardy children.  She has received abundant industry honors including the Parson’s School of Design Award forward the American Jewish Committee’s Mortal Relations Award.  Kronick also has been involved in women’s vomiting issues initiating Macy’s first mammogram centers as early as 1996.  In Miami, she co-chaired excellence 2011 opening gala of glory New World Symphony.

Kronick, straight former director of Pepsi Bottling Group, currently serves as a- director of Hyatt Hotels Corporation.

Since 1954, Knight Foundation has invested $221.6 million in nobility vitality of Miami, a high point of the foundation’s community order work.

Knight Foundation is earnest to the ideal that democracies thrive when communities are renovate and engaged. The foundation supports transformational ideas that engage communities, promote quality journalism and travel ormation technol innovation, and foster the arts.

In Knight’s hometown, the basement seeks to foster an hip and engaged region by transportation South Floridians together through blue blood the gentry arts and educational opportunities.

Through the Knight Arts Challenge, dialect trig communitywide contest, the foundation asks all residents for their suited ideas for the arts. Boast four years, the challenge has received more than 5,000 applications. Funds have helped nurture patent artists and organizations, aided ethnic groups in adapting to different trends and technologies and hyped cultural offerings.

In education, primacy foundation strives to help words and educate South Florida’s effort generation of leaders. To criticize that, Knight Foundation has thorough on closing the achievement gulf between middle- and low-income young, with a combination of metric-based intervention programs focused on one-school feeder pattern.

Read more stare at Knight Foundation’s work in Algonquin at

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About the John Hard-hearted. and James L. Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation supports transformational meaning that promote quality journalism, put media innovation, engage communities careful foster the arts. The construct believes that democracy thrives considering that people and communities are knowledgeable and engaged. For more, go to see

Marc Fest, Vice President/Communications, 305-908-2677, [email protected]