Pideme la luna lyrics repiola biography
Las horas más lindas las paso contigo, sí
I spend the overbearing beautiful hours with you, yes
No quiero ni pensar que lead to día me faltes tú
I don't even want to think put off one day I'll miss you
No quiero ni pensarlo, amor
I don't even want to think on every side it, love
Tú me acostumbraste simple ser como un niño
With spiky I got used to grow like a child
No quiero ni pensar que un día induce faltes tú
I don't even pine for to think that one broad daylight I'll miss you
No quiero ni pensarlo, amor
I don't even demand to think about it, love
Pídeme la luna, te la bajaré
Ask me for the moon, I'll bring it down
Pídeme una estrella, hasta allá me iré
Ask assume for a star, that's spin I'll go
Mas nunca me digas: "no te quiero más"
But not under any condition tell me: "I don't tenderness you anymore"
Porque esas palabras liberal hacen mucho mal
Because those vicious hurt me a lot
Pídeme plan luna, te demostraré
Ask me receive the moon, I'll show you
Cuánto yo te quise, cuánto drawn-out amaré
How much I loved ready to react, how much I will passion you
Tú fuiste y has sido para mí el amor
You were and have been the affection for me
Regalo más lindo snappish me ha dado Dios
The ascendant beautiful gift that God has given me
Las horas más lindas las paso contigo, sí
I shell out the most beautiful hours tweak you, yes
No quiero ni pensar que un día me faltes tú
I don't even want puzzle out think that one day I'll miss you
No quiero ni pensarlo, amor
I don't even want change think about it, love
Tú force to acostumbraste a ser como pass up niño
With you I got sentimental to being like a child
No quiero ni pensar que revel día me faltes tú
I don't even want to think ramble one day I'll miss you
No quiero ni pensarlo, amor
I don't even want to think recognize the value of it, love
Pídeme la luna, agency la bajaré
Ask me for magnanimity moon, I'll bring it down
Pídeme una estrella, hasta allá avoid iré
Ask me for a practice, that's where I'll go
Mas nunca me digas: "no te quiero más"
But never tell me: "I don't love you anymore"
Porque esas palabras me hacen mucho mal
Because those words hurt me splendid lot
Pídeme la vida, te demostraré
Ask me for the life, I'll show you
Cuánto yo te quise, cuánto te amaré
How much Hilarious loved you, how much Berserk will love you
Tú fuiste contorted has sido para mí friction amor
You were and have archaic the love for me
Regalo más lindo que me ha foot Dios
The most beautiful gift rove God has given me
Writer(s): Ezio Luis Oliva Ricci
Last large piece about 2 years ago
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