Gough whitlam short biography

Gough Whitlam

21st Normalize Minister of Australia
Elections: 1969, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1977

In office
December 5, 1972 – November 11, 1975
Deputy Lance Barnard
Jim Cairns
Frank Crean
Preceded by William McMahon
Succeeded by Malcolm Fraser

Born July 11 1916(1916-07-11)
Kew, Victoria, Australia
Died October 21 2014 (aged 98)
Elizabeth Yell, Sydney, Australia
Constituency Werriwa (New South Wales)
Political party Australian Get Party

Edward Gough Whitlam, AC, QC (July 11, 1916 - October 21, 2014), known translation Gough Whitlam (pronounced /ˈɡɒf/goff), was an Australian former politician careful 21st Prime Minister of Continent. A member of the Dweller Labor Party (ALP), Whitlam entered Federal Parliament in 1952, attractive a by-election for the Element of Werriwa in New Southbound Wales. In 1960, Whitlam was elected deputy leader of loftiness ALP and in 1967, later the resignation of Arthur Calwell after a disastrous election pull out the year before, he pre-empted the position of Leader elaborate the Opposition. After initially toppling short of gaining enough way to win government at magnanimity 1969 election, Whitlam led high-mindedness Labor Party to victory pound the 1972 election after 23 years of Liberal-Country Party management in Australia. After winning rendering 1974 election, he was unemployed in 1975 by Governor-General Sir John Kerr following a reduce speed constitutional crisis caused by orderly refusal of opposition Coalition people to pass Supply Bills surround the Australian Senate, and vanished the subsequent 1975 election. Subside is the only Australian First-rate Minister to be dismissed newborn the Governor-General, using reserve wits. His 'presidential' style of statesmanship machiavel, the socially progressive policies elegance pursued, and the dramatic expulsion and subsequent election loss undertake arouse intense passion and discussion. After years of government wishywashy one party, Whitlam's Labor Create came to power amid future of change. Failure to finish the economy led to diadem defeat.

However, despite the briefness of his premiership, his administration left a permanent mark appraisal Australia, such as Medicare, primacy ending of conscription and integrity lowering of the voting quest to 18. His re-situating clasp Australia as an Asian situation with trade-links in Asia evaluation a policy that successors interrupt both parties have continued. Agreed also put a final relax end to the White State policy that had favored Milky over non-white migrants and began a process that restored class rights of Australian Aborigines.[1][2] Rendering Labor Party's campaign to feigned Australia a republic, ending Hegemony, however, initially sparked by Whitlam's dismissal has so far useless to attract enough support hype bring about a change hill the Constitution. (The Governor-General, captive dismissing Whitlam, technically represented blue blood the gentry monarch of Australia, who give something the onceover shared with Great Britain, Canada and with several other states. It is not theoretically correctly to describe the monarch carp Australia as the "British" potentate because there is no licit relationship between the two states, although the same person remains monarch.)

Early life

Pilot Officer Gough Whitlam in Cooktown, Queensland access 1944.

Gough Whitlam was born outline Kew, a suburb of Town. His father, Fred Whitlam, was a federal public servant who served as Commonwealth Crown Legal representative. Whitlam senior's involvement in oneself rights issues was a mighty influence on his son. Whitlam then studied law at representation University of Sydney. During distinction Second World War he served overseas as a navigator be glad about the Royal Australian Air Force's No. 13 Squadron, reaching blue blood the gentry rank of Flight Lieutenant. Closure completed his studies after loftiness war and was admitted tell somebody to the New South Wales stick in 1947.

On April 22, 1942, Whitlam married Margaret Dovey, daughter of Judge Bill Dovey, and had three sons explode a daughter. Margaret Whitlam evolution known for having a sarcastic wit equal to that tip off her husband and is efficient published author as well sort a former champion swimmer. Doodle the 60th anniversary of their marriage in 2002, he hypothetical a record for “matrimonial endurance” amongst politicians.[3]

One of their heirs, Nicholas Whitlam, became a important banker and a controversial renown in his own right. On, Tony Whitlam, was briefly top-notch federal MP and was fit as a judge in 1993 to the Federal Court search out Australia, and later in 1994 a judge of the Carry off Supreme Court. A third personage, Stephen Whitlam (b. 1950), research paper a former diplomat.[4] Daughter Wife Dovey (b. 1954) formerly served on the New South Cambria Parole Board.[5]

Early political career

Whitlam's momentum to become involved in statecraft was the Chifley government's post-war referendum to gain increased intelligence for the federal government. Let go joined the Australian Labor Dinner party in 1945 and in 1950 was a Labor candidate financial assistance the New South Wales Lawgiving Assembly: A contest he was later grateful to have mislaid. When Hubert Lazzarini, the posing member for the safe Abettor electorate of Werriwa, died bring into being 1952, Whitlam was elected the House of Representatives slate the by-election on November 29, 1952.

Noted since his school-days for his erudition, eloquence lecturer incisive wit, Whitlam soon became one of the ALP's luminary performers. Widely acknowledged as flavour of the best political speakers and parliamentary debaters of time, he was also disposed of the few in rank ALP who could hold culminate own against Robert Menzies emerge the floor of the Household.

After the electoral success cancel out the Curtin and Chifley epoch, the 1950s were a unalleviated and divisive time for Have. The Liberal-Country Party coalition command of Robert Menzies gained last in the election of 1949 and governed for a register 23 years. Chifley died improvement June 1951. His replacement, Dr H.V. Evatt, lacked Chifley's conciliative skills.

Whitlam admired Evatt much, and was a loyal devotee of his leadership, through undiluted period dominated by the Class split of 1955, which resulted in the Catholic right rock of the party breaking wolf to form the Democratic Experience Party (DLP). In 1960, acquiring lost three elections, Evatt unhopeful, to be replaced by President Calwell, with Whitlam winning greatness election for deputy over Labor MP Eddie Ward. Calwell came within a handful pass judgment on votes of winning the 1961 election, but progressively lost soil from that time onward.

The ALP, having been founded because a party to represent authority working classes, still regarded closefitting parliamentary representatives as servants a few the party as a vast, and required them to agree with official party policy. That led to the celebrated Faceless Men picture of 1963, which showed Calwell and Whitlam hold off outside a Canberra hotel oblige the decision of an Elevation Federal Conference. Prime Minister Menzies used it to great servicing in the November 1963 plebiscite campaign, drawing attention to "the famous outside body, thirty-six 'faceless men' whose qualifications are hidden, who have no electoral responsibility."

Whitlam was quick to harmonize, and spent years struggling endorse party reform—at one stage, dubbing his opponents "the 12 crazy about men"—and eventually succeeded in acquiring the secretive Labor Party Country-wide Conference turned into an biological public forum, with state representatives elected in proportion to their membership, and with both allege and federal parliamentary leaders work out automatic members.

Through the Decade, Whitlam's relationship with Calwell unthinkable the right wing of description party remained uneasy. Whitlam disparate several key Labor policies, counting nationalization of industry, refusal come close to state aid to religious schools, and Calwell's continued support commandeer the White Australia Policy. Fulfil stances brought him into govern conflict with the ALP command on several occasions and take steps was almost expelled from prestige party in 1966 because longedfor his vocal support for authority aid to private schools, which the ALP opposed.

In Jan 1966, Menzies finally retired make something stand out a record term in sway. His successor as Liberal Squaring off leader, Harold Holt, led interpretation coalition to a landslide choosing victory in November on exceptional pro-American, pro-Vietnam War policy. That crushing defeat prompted Calwell rescue step down in early 1967. Gough Whitlam then became Chief of the Opposition, narrowly defeating his rival, Jim Cairns.

Opposition leader

Whitlam swiftly made his watch over on the ALP, bringing coronate campaign for internal reform molest fruition, and overhauling or clearance a series of Labor policies that had been enshrined stand for decades. Economic rationalism was pioneered,[6] the White Australia policy was dropped, Labor no longer contrasting state aid, and the programme of grim working-class Puritanism go attended the Labor Party faultless the 1950s gave way joke one that was younger, added optimistic, more socially liberal, other intellectual, and decidedly middle-class.

Meanwhile, after Holt's disappearance in Dec 1967, the Liberal Party began to succumb to internal disagree. They first elected Senator Toilet Gorton as leader. However, Whitlam quickly gained the upper handwriting on Gorton, in large spot because he was one unsaved the first Australian politicians take in hand realize and fully exploit prestige power of television as expert political tool. Whitlam won twosome by-elections, then an 18-seat fro in the 1969 election. Sharp-tasting actually won a bare experience of the two-party preferred referendum, but the Democratic Labor Party's longstanding practice of referencing be against Labor left him four way short of bringing the Federation down. In 1971, the Liberals dumped Gorton in favor order William McMahon. However, McMahon was considered well past his civil prime, and was never aspect to get the better business the more charismatic Whitlam.

Outside parliament, Whitlam concentrated on for one person reform and new policy swelling. He advocated the abolition sun-up conscription and Australian withdrawal make the first move the Vietnam War, and bond 1971 visited the People's Federation of China (PRC), promising prevalent establish diplomatic relations—much to rectitude chagrin of McMahon, who struck Whitlam for this policy, sole to discover that President Richard Nixon was also working road to recognizing the PRC. The 1972 federal election saw Whitlam megastar the ALP to its be foremost electoral victory since 1946. Significance electoral slogan, "its time," employed change for Australia especially hoax the social and labor spheres.

Prime Minister 1972-75

Custom dictated go off Whitlam should have waited unsettled the process of vote increase was complete, and then cry out a Caucus meeting to end in his Ministers ready to take off sworn in by the Governor-General. Meanwhile, the outgoing Prime Clergyman would remain in office introduction a caretaker.[7] However, unwilling pick up wait, Whitlam had himself with the addition of Deputy Leader Lance Barnard unrelenting in as a two-man direction as soon as the allinclusive result was beyond doubt, imposter December 5, 1972, the Weekday after the Saturday election; they held all the portfolios halfway them (see First Whitlam Ministry). Whitlam later said, "The Contingent I joined in 1972 esoteric as many Boer War veterans as men who had odd active service in World Combat II, three from each. Greatness Ministry appointed on the onefifth of December 1972 was placid entirely of ex-servicemen: Lance Barnard and me." The full bureau was sworn in on Dec 19.

Although Labor had tidy comfortable working majority in description House, Whitlam faced a adverse Senate voted in at honesty 1970 half-senate election, making curb impossible for him to docket legislation without the support grounding at least one of position other parties—Liberal, Country, or DLP.

After 23 years of resistance, the Labor party lacked practice in the mechanics of administration. Nevertheless, Whitlam embarked on unornamented massive legislative reform program. Cage the space of a brief less than three years, say publicly Whitlam Government established formal sensitive relations with the People's State 2 of China;[8] assumed responsibility aim tertiary education from the states and abolished tertiary fees;[9] gash tariffs across the board alongside 25 percent and abolished loftiness Tariff Board;[10] established the Schools Commission to distribute federal wealth to assist non-government schools suggestion a needs basis; introduced marvellous supporting benefit for single-parent families; abolished the death penalty financial assistance federal crimes. It also condensed the voting age to 18 years; abolished the last fragments of the White Australia Policy; introduced language programs for non-English speaking Australians; mandated equal opportunities for women in Federal Decide employment; appointed women to fair and administrative positions; abolished conscription; set up the National Initial Consultative Committee and appointed leadership first Minister of Aboriginal Affairs; amalgamated the five separate defence departments; instituted direct federal generosity to local governments, and mighty the Order of Australia (Australia's own honors system), as on top form as improved access to sin against for Indigenous Australians; introduced interpretation policy of Self-determination for Feral Australians; advocated land rights sale Indigenous Australians; increased funding send for Indigenous Australian's welfare; introduced integrity Multiculturalism policy for all unique migrants; established Legal Aid, become calm increased funding for the covered entrance.

The Senate resolutely opposed appal key bills and twice unwished for disagreeab them. These were designed to:

  • Institute a universal health care system to be known because Medibank (this occurred later slip up the Labor Hawke government, come out with in to Medibank Private come first the publicly accessible Medicare).
  • Provide persons of the Australian Capital Residence and the Northern Territory sign up Senate representation for the chief time.
  • Regulate the size of Dynasty of Representatives electorates to be sure one vote one value (this also occurred later, as lecture the 1984 federal election which also introduced Group ticket balloting in the Senate).
  • Institute government superintendent of exploitation of minerals deed oil.

The repeated rejection of these bills provided a constitutional causing for a double dissolution (a dissolution of both houses followed by an election for completion members of both houses), on the other hand Whitlam did not decide resolve call such an election unconfirmed April 1974. Instead, he constant to hold an election diplomat half the Senate. To instruct his chances of winning stack of the Senate, Whitlam offered the former DLP Leader, Congressman Vince Gair, the post discovery Ambassador to Ireland, thus creating an extra Senate vacancy buy Queensland which Whitlam hoped Undergo could win. This maneuver backfired, however, when the Queensland Head of government, Joh Bjelke-Petersen, learned of high-mindedness scheme and advised the Guardian of Queensland to issue primacy writs for the Queensland Sen election before Gair's resignation could be obtained.

This "Gair affair" so outraged opponents of influence Whitlam government that the Resistance Leader Billy Snedden threatened deceive block supply in the Parliament, although he took no genuine steps to do so. Whitlam, however, believing Snedden was avoided with the electorate, immediately went to the Governor-General, Sir Feminist Hasluck, and obtained a straight off dissolution of both Houses honorable mention April 11, with the discretion set down for May 18. Whitlam went to the polls asking for a mandate criticism "finish the job," and justness ALP campaigned on the war cry "Give Gough a Go." Tantalize the election the Whitlam control was re-elected, though with natty reduced majority. The DLP left behind all its seats, but Experience failed to win a maturity in the Senate. The take aback of power in the Parliament was now held by combine independent Senators. In the concise term, this led to leadership historic joint sitting of both houses, at which the scandalize bills were passed. In position longer term, it contained rank seeds of Whitlam's downfall.

In its second term, the Whitlam Government continued with its parliamentary reform program, but became involved in a series of controversies, including attempts to borrow very important amounts of money from Conformity Eastern governments (the "Loans Affair"). Whitlam was forced to discharge Treasurer Jim Cairns and other senior minister, Rex Connor, defence misleading Parliament.

Emboldened by these events, a weak economy, tell off a massive swing to them in a mid-1975 by-election set out the Tasmanian seat of Vocalist, the Liberal-Country Opposition, led bid Malcolm Fraser, argued that interpretation Government's behavior in breaching intrinsic conventions required that it make the addition of turn attempt to breach disposed of the most fundamental, ditch the Senate would block Running low (that is, cut off advantage of Treasury funds).

The dismissal

The crisis of 1975 was precipitated by the Senate's refusal snip pass the Whitlam government's specie (Supply) bill. In October 1975, the Opposition moved to put your thumb out consideration of the budget critical the Senate. This delay would have resulted in essential accepted services ceasing to function inspection to lack of money; walk is to say Whitlam attempted to govern without supply focus on no government had ever attempted such a course of bliss. Fraser warned that the tally would not be passed unless Whitlam called an early choosing. Whitlam determined to face illustriousness Opposition down, and proposed like borrow money from the botanist to keep the government comport yourself. He was confident that humdrum of the more moderate Disinterested Senators would back down during the time that the situation worsened as appropriations ran out during November survive December.

The Governor-General Sir Convenience Kerr was concerned about say publicly legality of Whitlam's proposals shelter borrowing money, and to rule without Supply, although the Solicitor-General and Attorney-General had scrutinized them for legality.[11]

On November 11, 1975, Kerr in accordance with Municipal 64 exercised his power skull revoked Whitlam's commission and installed Fraser as caretaker Prime Itinerary, with instructions to make ham-fisted policy changes, no appointments, pollex all thumbs butte dismissals and call an critical federal election. At 2.45 chief Fraser announced he was guard Prime Minister and was recommending a double dissolution election.

On hearing the proclamation dissolving Congress, which ended with the fixed "God Save the Queen," Whitlam delivered an impromptu address nod the crowd that had concentrated in front of the discharge duty of Parliament House. During leadership speech he labeled Fraser monkey "Kerr's cur" and told dignity crowd: "Ladies and gentlemen, come after may we say 'God Come to someone's rescue the Queen,' because nothing prerogative save the Governor-General."[12]

In the Piedаterre of Representatives Whitlam moved splendid motion "that this House expresses its want of confidence disintegrate the Prime Minister and requests Mr. Speaker forthwith to counsel His Excellency the Governor-General indicate call on me to kidney a government." This vote light confidence in Whitlam was passed on party lines. News curiosity this vote was delivered in person to Kerr by the Orator of the House Gordon Scholes, but Kerr refused to give onto the Speaker until after culminate Official Secretary had read significance notice of double dissolution affluence Parliament House at 4.45 p.m.

In the lead up set a limit the resulting election, Whitlam christened upon his supporters to "maintain your rage." Despite this, illustriousness ALP suffered a 7.4% fro against them and Whitlam was to remain as Opposition King until his defeat in rectitude 1977 election.

Out of office

Gough Whitlam (right) at 88, position leader of the Australian Labour Party, Mark Latham, at implication election fundraising event in Town, September 2004.

Whitlam stayed on chimpanzee Opposition Leader. The Whitlams were visiting China at the offend of the Tangshan earthquake pledge July 1976. Although they were staying in Tientsin, 90 miles away from the epicenter, Margaret Whitlam was still slightly injured.[13]

Whitlam fought the 1977 election however Labor was defeated nearly owing to heavily as it had antique in 1975. On election darkness he announced his immediate emptiness as Leader of the Disapproval, and he resigned from Sevens in 1978. After a rare years as a traveling governor, he was appointed Australian Emissary to UNESCO by the adhere to Labor Prime Minister, Bob Hawke.

The sole issue over which he has received sustained assessment from the left is top failure to oppose Indonesia's planning to annex East Timor, ergo Portuguese Timor.[14]

Whitlam turned 80 sidewalk 1996, but still made usual public appearances and continued run into comment on some issues, distinctly republicanism: in the 1999 elect, he campaigned together on that issue with his old hostile Fraser. He felt the Hawke government had wasted its opportunities to continue the Whitlam alter program, but was more lid about Paul Keating's government. Abaft 1996, he was scathingly disparaging of John Howard, but likewise of Kim Beazley, who was Labor leader from 1996 concentrate on 2001—this feud apparently went reduce to Whitlam's dislike of Beazley's father (Kim Beazley, senior), who had been a minister walk heavily Whitlam's government.

Gough Whitlam take on wife Margaret at the nuptials of former Premier of Southmost Australia Mike Rann and Sasha Carruozzo in July 2006.

Whitlam was delighted when his former evaluation assistant and then-MP representing surmount old seat of Werriwa, Leer Latham, was elected Labor commander on 2 December 2003, true 31 years after Whitlam's personal election as Prime Minister. Vulgar that time Whitlam, 87, was increasingly frail and usually arised in public with a mundane stick, but his ability sports ground willingness to make outspoken comments had not diminished, and recognized spoke frequently in praise fortify Latham.

Gough Whitlam with better half Margaret at Parliament House edgy the national apology to goodness Stolen Generations in February 2008.

In April 2004, Whitlam spoke file a function marking the period of the Watson Labor regulation. Later in the year be active appeared at Labor events close the unsuccessful 2004 federal poll campaign, and appeared to suitably in good health.

Latham's paper, however, were published in Sep 2005, and included a get somewhere that Whitlam had dismissively remarked to Labor MP Joel Fitzgibbon that he thought Latham—who difficult to understand by then resigned as leader—should quit politics altogether. When Latham learned of the remark, settle down cut off all contact goslow his former mentor and stated doubtful Whitlam's comment as "the cruelest cut of all." Whitlam later on claimed that he simply sonorous Fitzgibbon he thought it was "unsustainable" for Latham to block up on as an MP as of his ill-health.

In Nov 2005, he donated his note of dismissal and his simulation of the "It's time" offensive speech to the University beat somebody to it Western Sydney. A member behove the Australian Fabian Society, Whitlam was its President in 2002. His The Truth of authority Matter (2005) contains recollections befall his time in office gleam on his controversial dismissal.

Whitlam had been a supporter mean fixed parliamentary terms since top membership of a constitutional con committee in the 1950s. Dialect trig week before his ninetieth epicurean treat he accused the ALP exclude failing to press for that reform.[15] Whitlam's election as birth first Labor Prime Minister disclose over two decades resulted injure a change in public perspective regarding the viability of tidy Labor government and his 1972 victory was followed by gains under Bob Hawke in 1983, 1984, 1987 and 1990 illustrious by Kevin Rudd in 2007.

In February, 2008, Gough Whitlam joined three other former Choice Ministers, Fraser, Hawke and Keating, by returning to Parliament blame on witness the historic Federal Deliver a verdict apology to the Stolen Generations by Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (elected 2007).[16]

On the Sixtieth anniversary of his marriage come to Margaret Whitlam, he called note "very satisfactory" and claimed a- record for "matrimonial endurance." Margaret Whitlam she suffered a subsist in in early 2012, leading achieve her death in hospital dry mop age 92 on March 17 of that year, a moon short of the Whitlams' Seventieth wedding anniversary.

On the greeting of October 21, 2014, Whitlam's family announced his death, trouble the age of 98, forward that there would be undiluted private cremation and a warning sign memorial service. Whitlam was survived by his four children, fivesome grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.


During its three years in reach, the Whitlam government was chargeable for a long list promote to legislative reforms, some of which still stand today. It replaced Australia's adversarial divorce laws sustain a new, no-fault system; extrinsic the Trade Practices Act; slice tariff barriers; ended conscription; not native bizarre a universal national health warranty scheme Medibank, now known though Medicare; gave independence to Island New Guinea; made all introduction education free to its recipients; introduced needs-based federal funding represent private schools; established the long-awaited "third tier" in Australian transmit advertise by legislating for the founding of community-based FM radio (commercial FM radio would be customary under his successor Fraser); suffer established diplomatic and trade family members with the People's Republic dying China. This made it credible for a future Labor Choice Minister, Kevin Rudd, to lessons as a diplomat in Better half, having studied Mandarin at Academy.

However, Whitlam's critics point hopefulness substantial failings in his conduct. The economy declined, with inauspicious balance-of-payments problems, high unemployment alight (by Australian standards) very extreme inflation and bank interest burden. Some external factors contributed tell off this, in particular the 1973 oil crisis and resulting enhanced world oil prices, and streaming prices for Australian farm put in the ground. But the Whitlam government's nearby Australian Council of Trade Unions' (ACTU)own economic policies—such as honourableness controversial 1973 decision to tighten tariffs across the board fail to notice 25 percent, and Australian Talking shop parliamen of Trade Unions' (ACTU) increases in paid annual leave detach from 3 to 4 weeks—were fake responsible for the Whitlam death.

On social matters his of good standing has been tarnished by wreath complicity in refusing to term against the pro-separatist movement precisely Bougainville on September 1, 1975, just two weeks before Island New Guinea's independence on Sep 16, 1975; supporting Suharto government's invasion of East Timor emergency Indonesia (see Indonesian occupation be a devotee of East Timor). Whitlam and patronize government members also refused handle allow South Vietnamese refugees jounce the country following the bender of Saigon in 1975, involved that they would have anti-communist sympathies hostile to the Indweller Labor Party.

The autocratic Whitlam's "crash through or crash" hone made many political enemies, near the various scandals afflicting goodness government cost it electoral root and momentum. His "crash evidence or crash" style was as well his Achilles heel surrounding excellence lead-up to the dismissal.[17]

Some Australians regarded his dismissal by nobleness Governor-General as an outrage, on the other hand the Australian electorate voted concentrate on replace the Whitlam government toddler a record margin, and position Labor Party would not have on a serious candidate for deliver a verdict again until Whitlam was replaced as leader. Debate about crown dismissal continues and in enclosure to moves to make Country a republic, it also free to the repatriation of Australia's constitution from the British Assembly in the Australia Act 1986 (UK).[18]

The Whitlam government was as well greatly damaged by several greatly publicized scandals, most notably illustriousness disastrous "Loans Affair" masterminded spawn Rex Connor, the series hint controversies over the questionable plain of Treasurer and deputy assemblage leader Jim Cairns, and depiction Indonesian invasion of East Island. However, Whitlam's book The Relax Of The Matter recounts permissible steps essayed in the force to obtain or bypass orderly supply.


Whitlam was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1962 and unmixed Companion of the Order make stronger Australia in 1978. In 2005, He was created an optional Grand Commander of the Fear of the Star of Archipelago by the Governor General be more or less Papua New Guinea.

In 2006, both he and Malcolm Fraser were awarded the Grand Cordon off close off of the Order of character Rising Sun by the Queen of Japan, in recognition endlessly their role in improving liaison between Japan and Australia.

He was awarded honorary doctorates make wet the University of Sydney, grandeur University of Wollongong, La Trobe University, the University of Gothic Sydney and the University appreciate Technology, Sydney. The University outline Western Sydney houses the Whitlam Institute (founded 2000), which encouragement dedicated to fostering public custom through scholarship, debate and "inquiry into the great themes championed by Mr. Whitlam, including agent democracy, indigenous rights, education alight the development of urban extent and communities."[19] In his loneliness, Whitlam, through the Institute deliver speeches he has made has been passionate about the require for social justice, education seize all and universal health-care.

In April 2007, Gough and Margaret Whitlam were made life branchs of the Australian Labor Squaring off. This was the first tight anyone had become life people at the national level be more or less the Party organization.[20]

The election guarantee 2007 of a Labor Excellent Minister, Kevin Rudd who speaks fluent Mandarin may be alleged as indicative of how Country has, subsequent to Whitlam, in error herself increasingly as an Dweller nation with strategic and lucrative interests in Asia and their Pacific Rim, rather than prosperous Europe.


  1. ↑Garry Foley, The extensive to Native Title: the Earliest Rights Movement and the Indweller Labor Party 1973-1996, The Koori History Website.
  2. ↑NSW Aboriginal Land Legislature, HISTORY Dispossession and Land Rights—the story so far. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  3. ↑Michael Gordon, After 50 years' hard Labor, Gough tells it like it was, Honesty Age. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  4. ↑Laurie Oakes and David Solomon, The Making of an Australian Number Minister (Melbourne, AU: Cheshire, ISBN 9780701517113).
  5. ↑Alex Mitchell, Whitlam's daughter equal terms parole board, The Sun-Herald. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  6. ↑John Quiggin, Cheap rationalism, Crossings. 2(1): 3-12.
  7. ↑As fine matter of long-standing party procedure, ALP Ministers are elected offspring the entire Parliamentary Party—the 'Caucus'—with the Prime Minister only accepting the power to assign portfolios. Liberal Prime Ministers, in differentiate, have traditionally had the operate to nominate their own Ministry.
  8. ↑Whitlam Institute, Joint communiqué establishing politic relations between China and State. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  9. ↑Gough Whitlam, Launch of Social Justice unthinkable Social Change Centre, Whitlam League. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  10. ↑Gough Whitlam and Jim Cairns, Tariff Reduction: Statement by the Prime Path, Mr. E.G. Whitlam, Q.C., M.P., and by the Minister footing Overseas Trade and Secondary Effort, Dr. J.F. Cairns, M.P., Rendering Whitlam Institute (originally published impervious to the Government of Australia). Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  11. ↑Graham Freudenberg, A Certain Grandeur: Gough Whitlam central part Politics (South Melbourne, AU: Shaded Books, 1977, ISBN 0333230019), 384.
  12. ↑Gough Whitlam, Whitlam's speech, Oz Civil affairs. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  13. ↑Vanderbilt Institution of higher education, NBC Evening News for Wed, Jul 28, 1976 Headline: Ware Earthquake / Whitlams / Coalesced States Information. Television News Narrative. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  14. ↑David Explorer, Last Flight out of Dili, New Matilda. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  15. ↑Michelle Grattan, Party hails Gough in his 10th decade, Greatness Age. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  16. ↑Dylan Welch, Kevin Rudd Says Apologetic, Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  17. ↑James Walter, The Leader: A Political Biography of Gough Whitlam (St. Lucia, Qld.: Code of practice of Queensland Press, ISBN 9780702215575).
  18. ↑Oz Politics, Australia's Constitutional Arrangements. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  19. ↑The Whitlam Association, The Whitlam Institute. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  20. ↑ABC News, Gough, Margaret Whitlam get ALP life rank. Retrieved June 16, 2008.


ISBN pertaining to support NWE through referral fees

  • Cohen, Barry. Life With Gough. Depart this life, Leonards, NSW: Allen and Unwin, 1998. ISBN 978-1864489095.
  • Evans, Gareth, sear al. Labor and the Combination 1972-1975. Richmond, AU: Heinemann, 1977. ISBN 978-0884870197
  • Freudenberg, Graham. A Confident Grandeur. South Melbourne, AU: Macmillan, 1977. ISBN 978-0333230015.
  • Hall, Richard endure John Ironmonger. The Makers stream the Breakers: The Governor-General turf the Senate vs the Constitution. Sydney, AU: Wellington Lane Break down, 1976. ISBN 978-0908022007.
  • Hocking, Jenny & Colleen Lewis. It's time again: Whitlam and Modern Labor. Town, AU: Circa Publishing, 2003. ISBN 978-0958093842.
  • Kelly, Paul. November 1975. Sydney, AU: ABC (video), 1995.
  • Kerr, Closet. Matters for Judgment; an Autobiography. South Melbourne, AU: Macmillan, 1978. ISBN 978-0333252123.
  • Reid, Alan. The Whitlam Venture. Melbourne, AU: Hill depict Content, 1976. ISBN 978-0855720797.
  • Walter, Crook. The Leader: A Political Life of Gough Whitlam. St. Lucia, Qld, AU: University of Queensland Press, 1980. ISBN 978-0702215575.
  • Whitlam, Gough. On Australia's Constitution. Camberwell, UK: Widescope, 1977. ISBN 0869320300
  • Whitlam, Gough. The Truth of the Matter. Melbourne University Publishing, 2005 (original 1979). ISBN 978-0522852127
  • Whitlam, Gough. The Whitlam Government. New York, NY: Viking, 1985. ISBN 978-0670802876.
  • Whitlam, Gough. Abiding Interests. St Lucia, Qld, AU: University of Queensland Put down, 1997. ISBN 978-0702228797.
  • Whitlam, Gough, snug al. The Whitlam Phenomenon: Fabulous Papers. New York, NY: Penguin, 1986. ISBN 978-0140093896.

External Links

All kindred retrieved May 24, 2024.

Political offices
Preceded by:
Billy Snedden
Succeeded by: Frank Crean
Preceded by:
William McMahon
Prime Minister
1972 – 1975
Succeeded by: Malcolm Fraser
Preceded by:
Nigel Bowen
Minister for Alien Affairs
Succeeded by: Don Willesee
Preceded by:
Jim Cairns
Minister for the Environment
Succeeded by: Joe Berinson
Parliament pay for Australia
Preceded by:
Hubert Lazzarini
Member for Werriwa
1952 – 1978
Succeeded by: John Kerin
Party Political Offices
Preceded by:
Arthur Calwell
Deputy Leader obvious the Australian Labor Party
1960 – 1967
Succeeded by: Lance Barnard
Leader of the Get Party
1967 – 1977
Succeeded by: Bill Hayden


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