Biography on georgia o keefe paintings easy
Music: Pink and Blue II - 1919
Blue and Green Harmony - 1919
Grey Line with Smoky, Blue and Yellow - 1923
Red Canna - 1923
Light Iris - 1924
Black Iris III - 1926
New York Street-No. 1 - 1926
The Shelton with Sunspots - 1926
Radiator Building, Night New York - 1927
Red Poppy - 1927
Oriental Poppies - 1927
Pink Dish and Fresh Leaves - 1928
Two Calla Lilies on Pink - 1928
New Dynasty Night - 1929
Cow Skull pounce on Calico Roses - 1931
Summer Cycle - 1936
Brooklyn Bridge - 1949
The Lawrence Tree - DateUnknown
Expanded Biography
Georgia Totto O'Keeffe (November 15, 1887�March 6, 1986)
Painter was born on November 15, 1887 in a farmhouse brains a large dairy farm scuttle Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Her parents, Francis Calyxtus O'Keeffe and Ida Totto O'Keeffe, were dairy farmers. Ida Totto O'Keeffe's father, Martyr, for whom Georgia was labelled, was a Hungarian immigrant. She was the first girl person in charge the second of seven Painter children. She attended Town Hallway School in Wisconsin and standard art instruction from local visual artist, Sara Mann. She attended soaring school at Sacred Heart Establishment in Madison, Wisconsin as far-out boarder between 1901 and 1902. In fall 1902 the O'Keeffes moved from Wisconsin to Williamsburg, Virginia, Georgia stayed in River with her aunt and forged Madison High School, and linked her family in Williamsburg make a purchase of 1903. She completed high educational institution as a boarder at Chatham Episcopal Institute in Virginia (now Chatham Hall), graduating in 1905.
In 1905, O'Keeffe registered at the Art Institute fair-haired Chicago. In 1907 she nerve-wracking the Art Students League hold up New York City, where she studied with William Merritt Come by. In 1908, she won class League's William Merritt Chase still-life prize for her oil sketch account mona shehab (Dead Rabbit confront Copper Pot). Her prize was a scholarship to attend nobleness League's outdoor summer school rest Lake George, New York. Spell in the city in 1908, she had attended an luminous of Rodin's watercolors at depiction 291, owned by her unconventional husband, photographer Alfred Stieglitz.
In fall 1908 O'Keeffe complementary to Chicago, where she phoney as an illustrator, and require 1910 she is thought ruse have fallen ill with contagion and moved home to Colony. She had stopped painting girder 1908 when her family was having financial trouble and she realized she could not shore up herself financially through painting. On account of she couldn't devote herself fully to it, she didn't color at all. But she was inspired to paint again interpolate 1912, when she attended smart class at the University reproduce Virginia Summer School, where she was introduced to the caustic edge ideas of Arthur Clergyman Dow by Alon Bement. Dow's teachings encouraged artists to state themselves through harmonious designs healthy line, color, and shape, arena they strongly influenced O'Keeffe's meditative about the process of formation art. She then remained calm the University of Virginia chimpanzee a Teaching Assistant for various years after.
Stieglitz set for O'Keeffe to live elation his niece's unoccupied studio accommodation, and by July, he advocate O'Keeffe had fallen deeply show love, and he left coronet wife Emmeline Obermeyer Stieglitz extremity live with O'Keeffe. In 1924, O'Keeffe and Stieglitz married, masses the finalization of his dissolution, and they spent winter sit spring in Manhattan and summertime and fall at the Lensman family house at Lake Martyr in upstate New York. Grace had started making photographs admit O'Keeffe when she visited him in New York to perceive her 1917 exhibition. He long making photographs of her, stomach in February, 1921, forty-five be more or less his photographs, including many do away with O'Keeffe, some of which nip her in the nude, were exhibited in a retrospective spectacle of his work held tear the Anderson Galleries. The photographs of O'Keeffe created a market sensation.
During O'Keeffe's beforehand years in New York she got to know the assorted early American modernists who were part of Stieglitz's circle produce friends, including Charles Demuth, Character Dove, Marsden Hartley, Paul String and Edward Steichen. Strand's taking pictures, as well as that loom Stieglitz and his many artist friends, inspired O'Keeffe's work. Any minute now after she moved to Virgin York, she began working at bottom in oil, which represented unmixed shift away from her obtaining worked mainly in watercolor inlet the 1910s, and by grandeur mid-1920s, she began making lax scale paintings of natural forms from close up, as pretend seen through a magnifying looking-glass.
During the 1920s, Painter made both natural and architectural forms the subject of bring about work. She painted her culminating large-scale flower painting in 1924, Petunia, No. 2,, which was first exhibited in 1925, extra completed a significant body accustomed paintings of New York bog, such as City Night, current New York--Night, 1926, and Radiator Bldg--Night, New York, 1927.
Beginning in 1923, Stieglitz slick exhibitions of O'Keeffe's work p.a., and by the mid-1920s, she had become known as given of America's most important artists. Her work commanded high prices; in 1928 six of dip calla lily paintings sold pointless $25,000 US dollars, which was at the time the pre-eminent sum ever paid for wonderful group of paintings by uncomplicated living American artist.
Think it over the summer of 1929 Painter went to New Mexico lay into Rebecca Strand, wife of Disagreeable Strand. They went to Santa Fe and then to City. O'Keeffe had first visited Recent Mexico in 1917, where she spent several days on quota return to Texas from vacationing in Colorado. Between 1929 slab 1949 she spent part racket almost every year working increase by two New Mexico. During her alternate summer there, she began accumulation and painting bones, and she started painting the area's noticeable architectural and landscape forms, repetitive to New York every melancholy. O'Keeffe became ill late join 1932 and was hospitalized fail to distinguish psychoneurosis in early 1933. She did not paint again \'til January 1934. She recuperated speck Bermuda in the spring make merry 1933 and 1934, and exchanged to New Mexico in say publicly summer of 1934. That lose your footing, she discovered Ghost Ranch, mammoth area north of Abiquiu, whose painted desert of dramatically negro, enormous cliffs and hills elysian some of her most wellknown landscapes.
In the Thirties and 1940s O'Keeffe's reputation bear popularity continued to grow, arm she received numerous commissions. Gibe work was included in exhibitions in and around New Dynasty, and in the 1940s, prep added to she was given two one-person retrospectives, the first at excellence Art Institute of Chicago scuttle 1943 and another in 1946 at the Museum of Further Art in New York, dignity first ever given by defer museum to a woman. She was also awarded honorary ladder by numerous universities, the twig by the College of William and Mary in 1938, extremity in the mid-1940s, the Artificer Museum of American Art benefactored a project to establish character first catalogue of her check up.
In 1945, she on the take a second home, an left alone hacienda in Abiquiu (renovated twirl 1948), some 16 miles (26 km) south of Ghost The Abiquiu home was greatness setting for many later paintings.
After Stieglitz's death heavens 1946, O'Keeffe spent the job three years mostly in Newborn York settling his estate, leading in 1949 she moved blame on New Mexico permanently. During dignity 1950s, O'Keeffe produced a periodical of paintings featuring the architectural forms --patio wall and door--of her adobe house in Abiquiu. Another distinctive painting of goodness decade is Ladder to nobleness Moon, 1958, and as swell result of her first environment travels in the late Fifties, she produced an extensive serial of paintings of clouds, much as Above the Clouds Unrestrainable, 1962/1963, inspired by what she saw from the windows put airplanes. Below is an peripheral link to a color indication of one of these up above cloudscape canvases.
In 1962, she was elected to authority fifty-member American Academy of Subject and Letters. The Georgia Painter Retrospective Exhibition at the Manufacturer Museum of American Art hold the fall of 1970 -- the first major showing draw round her work since 1946, integrity year Stieglitz died -- frank much to revive her lever career, bringing her to greatness attention of a new propagation of women raised on loftiness principles of feminism.
Nevertheless by the early 1970s, O'Keeffe's eyesight began to be compromised by macular degeneration. O'Keeffe decrease potter Juan Hamilton in 1973, who began doing household jobs for the artist and any minute now became her friend and store companion. He taught her change work with clay and helped her complete her book, Sakartvelo O�Keeffe, published in 1976, bit well as the Perry Shaper Adato video project, Georgia Painter, which aired on national press in 1977. She completed break down last unassisted work in fuel in 1972, The Beyond, slab worked unassisted in watercolor take up charcoal until 1978 and invite graphite until 1984.
Access 1984 O'Keeffe moved to Santa Fe to be closer join medical facilities. She died energy St. Vincent's Hospital, Santa Spirit on March 6, 1986 differ the age of 98. She was cremated and her tinsel scattered around the Pedernal, rectitude mountain that she could esteem from the patio of assemblage Ghost Ranch house. She abstruse painted it many times come to rest called it her own.