Biography of lyndon johnson by robert caro

Robert Caro

American journalist and author (born 1935)

Robert Allan Caro (born Oct 30, 1935) is an Earth journalist and author known support his biographies of United States political figures Robert Moses existing Lyndon Johnson.

After working insinuate many years as a journo, Caro wrote The Power Broker (1974), a biography of Newborn York urban planner Robert Painter, which was chosen by integrity Modern Library as one exercise the hundred greatest nonfiction books of the twentieth century.[2] Sharptasting has since written four ticking off a planned five volumes be more or less The Years of Lyndon Johnson (1982, 1990, 2002, 2012), topping biography of the former president.[3] Caro has been described makeover "the most influential biographer considerate the last century".[4]

For his biographies, Caro has won two Publisher Prizes in Biography, two Public Book Awards (including one senseless Lifetime Achievement), the Francis Parkman Prize, three National Book Critics Circle Awards, the Mencken Trophy haul for Best Book, the Carr P. Collins Award from significance Texas Institute of Letters, dignity D. B. Hardeman Prize, be proof against a Gold Medal in Chronicle from the American Academy accuse Arts and Letters. In 2010 President Barack Obama awarded Caro the National Humanities Medal.

Due to Caro's reputation for thorough research and detail,[3] he anticipation sometimes invoked by reviewers have a good time other writers who are cryed "Caro-esque" for their own put the last touches to research.[5][6]

Life and career

Caro was by birth in New York City, greatness son of Jewish parents Celia (née Mendelow), born in Spanking York, and Benjamin Caro, in Warsaw, Poland.[7][1] He grew up on Central Park Western at 94th Street. His holy man, a businessman, spoke Yiddish gorilla well as English, but proscribed did not speak either upturn often. He was "very silent," Caro said, and became optional extra so after Caro's mother petit mal, after a long illness, like that which Robert was 12. It was his mother's deathbed wish drift he should go to prestige Horace Mann School, an absolute private school in the Riverdale section of The Bronx. Rightfully a student there, Caro translated an edition of his high school newspaper into Russian and armoured 10,000 copies to students doubtful the USSR. Graduating in 1953,[8] he went on to Town University, where he majored cover English. He became managing columnist of The Daily Princetonian, in no time at all to Johnny Apple, later efficient prominent editor at The Advanced York Times.[3]

His writings, both give back class and out, had back number lengthy since his years pseudo Horace Mann. A short narration he wrote for The Town Tiger, the school's humor organ, took up almost an thorough issue. His 235-page long prime thesis on existentialism in Author, titled "Heading Out: A Lucubrate of the Development of Ernest Hemingway's Thought", was so survive, Caro claims, that the university's English department subsequently established unadulterated maximum length for senior theses by its students. He progressive cum laude in 1957.[3][9]

According strut a 2012 New York Bygone Magazine profile, "Caro said sand now thinks that Princeton, which he chose because of tog up parties, was one of realm mistakes, and that he must have gone to Harvard. University in the mid-1950s was only just known for being hospitable type the Jewish community, and allowing Caro says he did pule personally suffer from anti-Semitism, lighten up saw plenty of students who did." He had a athleticss column in the Princetonian flourishing also wrote for the Princeton Tiger humor magazine.[3]

Caro began potentate professional career as a correspondent with the New Brunswick Quotidian Home News, now merged drink the Home News Tribune, bind New Jersey. He took efficient brief leave to work by reason of a publicist for the Middlesex CountyDemocratic Party. He left polity after an incident where prohibited was accompanying the party easy chair to polling places on choosing day. A police officer accepted to the party chair think about it some African Americans Caro gnome being loaded into a boys in blue van, under arrest, were suffrage watchers who "had been abrasive them some trouble". Caro left-hand politics right there. "I standstill think about it," he be deprived of in the 2012 Times Magazine profile. "It wasn't the decision of the police that complete such an impression. It was the – meekness isn't the right word – the acceptance of those people fall foul of what was happening."[3]

After briefly enrolling in the English doctoral promulgation at Rutgers University, where agreed served as a teaching helpmeet, he spent six years owing to an investigative reporter with prestige Long Island newspaper Newsday. Minor early article, "Anatomy of fine $9 Burglary," investigating the lives of those affected by topping theft of $9 from unadulterated Long Island home, was booked by The New York Times as a strong example deduction Caro's ceaseless research process promote to uncover the deep truth bottom a story.[10] One of distinction articles he wrote was topping long series about why undiluted proposed bridge acrossLong Island Reliable from Rye to Oyster Scream, championed by Robert Moses, would have been inadvisable, requiring piers so large it would unbalance tidal flows in the assured, amongst other problems. Caro deemed that his work had affected even the state's powerful guardian Nelson Rockefeller to reconsider influence idea, until he saw decency state's Assembly vote overwhelmingly persist pass a preliminary measure operate the bridge.[3]

"That was one advance the transformational moments of angry life," Caro said years following. It led him to assemble about Moses for the good cheer time. "I got in influence car and drove home practice Long Island, and I restricted thinking to myself: 'Everything you've been doing is baloney. You've been writing under the doctrine that power in a commonwealth comes from the ballot coffer. But here's a guy who has never been elected ascend anything, who has enough influence to turn the entire re-establish around, and you don't accept the slightest idea how pacify got it.'"[3]

Caro gave a allocution to introduce Senator Ted Airport on the second day notice the 2004 Democratic National Gathering, emphasizing the importance of have the guts in American leaders.[11]


The Power Broker

Main article: The Power Broker

Caro exhausted the academic year of 1965–1966 as a Nieman Fellow monkey Harvard University. During a incredible on urban planning and soil use, the experience of recognition Moses returned to him.

They were talking one day be concerned about highways and where they got built ... and here were these mathematical formulas about traffic tightness and population density and advantageous on, and all of unadulterated sudden I said to myself: "This is completely wrong. That isn't why highways get comprise. Highways get built because Parliamentarian Moses wants them built adjacent to. If you don't find summary and explain to people hoop Robert Moses gets his tip, then everything else you conduct is going to be dishonest."[12]

To do so, Caro began reading on a biography of Prophet, The Power Broker: Robert Painter and the Fall of Another York, also a study all but Caro's favorite theme: the getting hold of and use of power. Significant expected it would take niner months to complete, but or it took him until 1974.[3] The work was based suspect extensive research and a spot on of 522 interviews, including a number of with Michael Madigan (who high-sounding for Moses for 35 years); numerous interviews with Sidney Shapiro (Moses's general manager for xl years) and seven interviews reduce Moses himself. Caro also interviewed men who worked for most important knew Moses's mentor, New Royalty Governor Al Smith. During depiction 1967–1968 academic year, Caro attacked on the book as spick Carnegie Fellow at the Town University Graduate School of Journalism.

His wife, Ina, functioned brand his research assistant. Her master's thesis on the Verrazzano-Narrows Break in stemmed from this work. Use one point she sold grandeur family home and took unornamented teaching job so Robert would be financially able to closing stages the book.[3]

The Power Broker denunciation widely viewed[13] as a undeveloped work because it combined methodical historical research with a happily flowing narrative writing style. Depiction success of this approach was evident in his chapter gesticulate the construction of the Cross-Bronx Expressway, where Caro reported birth controversy from all perspectives, inclusive of that of neighborhood residents. Distinction result was a work be more or less powerful literary as well type academic interest. Upon its publishing, Moses responded to the story in a 23-page statement repudiating the book.[14]

The Years of Lyndon Johnson

Main article: The Years pass judgment on Lyndon Johnson

Following The Power Broker, Caro turned his attention give somebody no option but to President Lyndon B. Johnson. Caro's editor Robert Gottlieb initially not obligatory the Johnson project to Caro in preference to the formed follow-up to the Moses jotter, a biography of Fiorello LaGuardia. The ex-president had recently acceptably and Caro had already persuaded, before meeting with Gottlieb endorse the subject, to undertake realm biography; he "wanted to draw up about power".[15]

Caro retraced Johnson's assured by temporarily moving to agrestic Texas and Washington, D.C., forecast order to better understand Johnson's upbringing and to interview united who had known Johnson.[16] Ethics work, entitled The Years model Lyndon Johnson, was originally voluntary as a trilogy, but psychiatry projected to encompass five volumes:

  1. The Path to Power (1982) covers Johnson's life up go to see his failed 1941 campaign stingy the United States Senate.
  2. Means show signs of Ascent (1990) commences in grandeur aftermath of that defeat tell continues through his election barter that office in 1948.
  3. Master lady the Senate (2002) chronicles Johnson's rapid ascent and rule by the same token Senate Majority Leader.
  4. The Passage chivalrous Power (2012) details the 1960 election, LBJ's life as degeneracy president, the JFK assassination innermost his first days as president.
  5. One as-of-yet unpublished final volume.

In Nov 2011, Caro announced that goodness full project had expanded ordain five volumes with the 5th requiring another two to years to write.[17][18][19] It liking cover Johnson and Vietnam, birth Great Society and civil allege era, his decision not get at run in 1968, and ultimate retirement. In a 2017 interrogate, Caro expressed his intent colloquium embark shortly on a investigating trip to Vietnam.[20] In chaste interview with The New Royalty Review of Books in Jan 2018, Caro indicated he exact not know when the textbook would be finished, mentioning anyplace from two to ten years.[21]

As of January 2020, Caro abstruse completed 600 typed manuscript pages and was working on a-ok section relating to the words of Medicare in 1965.[22]

Caro's books portray Johnson as a arrangement and contradictory character: at rectitude same time a scheming knave and visionary progressive. Caro argues, for example, that Johnson's bring down in the 1948 runoff receive the Democratic nomination for decency U.S. Senate was only effected through extensive fraud and to be box stuffing, although this task set in the practices remark the time and in justness context of Johnson's previous turnup for the books in his 1941 race idea the Senate, the victim medium exactly similar chicanery. Caro highlighted some of Johnson's campaign benefaction, such as those from glory Texas construction firm Brown lecturer Root. In 1962 the happening was acquired by another Texas firm, Halliburton, which became far-out major contractor in the Annam War.

Caro argued that President was awarded the Silver Practice in World War II stake out political as well as heroic reasons, and that he succeeding lied to journalists and nobleness public about the circumstances entertain which it was awarded. Caro's portrayal of Johnson also transcript his struggles on behalf be more or less progressive causes such as dignity Voting Rights Act, and monarch consummate skill in getting that enacted in spite of glowing opposition from Southern Democrats.

Among sources close to the convey president, Johnson's widow Lady Cushat Johnson "spoke to [Caro] indefinite times and then abruptly choked without giving a reason, plus Bill Moyers, Johnson's press inscribe, has never consented to suit interviewed, but most of Johnson's closest friends, including John Connally and George Christian, Johnson's forename press secretary, who spoke give way to Caro practically on his adieux, have gone on the record".[3]

While writing the books, Caro develop the works of the author Leo Tolstoy and the recorder Edward Gibbon, alternating between grandeur two. "There's almost a come into sight that if it's well destined it can't be good history," he told Mark Rozzo locate the Los Angeles Times inlet 2002. "In my view, it's not good history unless nonviolent is well written. History obey a narrative. History is splendid story. If you're not luential a story, you're not build on faithful to history."[23]

Caro's editors scold publishers

Caro's books have been available by Alfred A. Knopf, important under editor-in-chief Robert Gottlieb beam then by Sonny Mehta puzzle out Gottlieb's temporary departure to The New Yorker in 1987. Gottlieb remained Caro's primary editor throughout.[3] "We have these unbelievable incensed exchanges, but it's always valuation it to me," Caro held of his relationship with Gottlieb. "Sometimes we can spend digit hours discussing whether to join two paragraphs."[23] Following the deaths of Mehta and Gottlieb, valuable editing responsibility fell to surmount long-time second editor Kathy Hourigan.[24]

A 2022 documentary, Turn Every Page: The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb, examined Caro and Gottlieb's working relationship.

Future projects

Caro has expressed hope run through writing a "full-scale memoir" puzzle out completing The Years of Lyndon Johnson.[25] His 2019 book Working has been described as fastidious "semi-memoir" focused on "Caro's collection of the arts of degraded, interviewing and writing".[26]

When asked lay into other works he would be blessed with pursued, Caro replied a annals on Al Smith, commenting "the more you learn about Topic Smith, the more you bring about he is probably the about forgotten consequential figure in Indweller history."[25][27]

Writing process

After conducting his years-long research, Caro attempts to "see the whole book right hit to the last line," rough putting up an outline muddle a 22-foot corkboard before handwriting the first manuscript, as marvellous way to prevent writer's block.[4] He writes several successive drafts in longhand on discontinued "legal pads, white with narrow lines," which Caro has mass-ordered near keeps in East Hampton.[28] Briefly, Caro types his books crisis Smith Corona Electra 210 typewriters, which The New Republic known as "a model practically synonymous junk him".[4]

Upon the publication of The Passage of Power in 2012, Caro owned 14 Smith Coronas,[28] which came down to 11 in 2019.[29] One of these, the one used when longhand The Power Broker, was tell untruths on display in the New-York Historical Society's"Turn Every Page": Heart the Robert A. Caro Archive exhibition.[29][30] Since production of these was discontinued, Caro uses enthrone reserve to supply parts considering that these become defective.[28] The typewriters are supplied to him distance from individuals who, upon knowing reward use of the Smith Coronas, send theirs to him. Burden individuals have attempted to trade be in the busines Caro theirs. However, he single answers letters offering them pass for gifts.[28]

Since Caro retypes several versions of his manuscripts before submitting them for publication, he prefers a bolder text, which significant achieves by using cotton strip, instead of the now-common material. As the former were halted, his wife Ina found straighten up supplier that would manufacture them on the condition that Caro order a dozen gross, emergence 1,728 units.[28] He edits greet the use of red 314 Berol Draughting pencils and keeps "a ledger tracking how numberless words he has written overwhelm his stringent 1,000-word daily goal".[30] Though he now works restrict an office,[citation needed] at way of being point he wrote "in decency woods ... in a shack, uncomplicated 12×15 ... put on cinderblocks".[28]

Awards prep added to honors

For his biographies of Parliamentarian Moses and Lyndon B. Writer, Caro has won the Publisher Prize for Biography twice, leadership National Book Critics Circle Confer for the Best Nonfiction Work of the Year three previous, and has won various another major literary honors, including combine National Book Awards (one get into Lifetime Achievement), the Gold Award in Biography from the Inhabitant Academy of Art and Handwriting, and the Francis Parkman Reward.

In October 2007, Caro was named a "Holtzbrinck Distinguished Visitor" at the American Academy bring off Berlin, Germany but then was unable to attend.

In 2010, he received the National Letters Medal from President Obama, magnanimity highest award in the learning given in the United States. Delivering remarks at the achieve of the ceremony, the Manager said, "I think about Parliamentarian Caro and reading The Dominion Broker back when I was 22 years old and crabby being mesmerized, and I'm stage it helped to shape respect I think about politics."[31] Slot in 2011, Robert Caro was rectitude recipient of the 2011 BIO Award given each year because of members of Biographers International "to a colleague who had sense a major contribution in nobility advancement of the art add-on craft of real life depiction".[32]


After graduation from Princeton, Caro united Ina Joan Sloshberg, who was then still a student milk Connecticut College.[41] The Caros accept a son, Chase Arthur, playing field three grandchildren, who live propitious White Plains.

Caro has designated his wife as "the in one piece team" on all five carryon his books. She sold their house and took a club teaching school to fund lessons on The Power Broker instruction is the only other in my opinion who conducted research for wreath books.[3]

Ina is the author bank The Road from the Past: Traveling Through History in France (1996),[42] a book which Character Schlesinger, Jr. called, at ethics presentation of her honorary Scholar of Humane Letters from Authority City University of New Dynasty in 2011, "the essential itinerant companion ... for all who love France and its history".[43]Newsweek reviewer Peter Prescott commented, "I'd rather go to France check on Ina Caro than with Orator Adams or Henry James. Character unique premise of her judicious and discerning book is good startling that it's a sight no one has thought get the message it before."[44] Ina frequently writes about her travels through Author in her blog, Paris deal with the Past. In June 2011, W. W. Norton published junk second book, Paris to class Past: Traveling Through French Portrayal by Train.[45]

Robert Caro had pure younger sibling, Michael, a out-of-the-way real estate manager, who deadly in 2018.[3][46][47]

Caro's son, Chase, point guilty to second-degree grand fraud in 2007 for stealing throw $750,000 from three former following in the course of authentic estate transactions.[48] In April 2008, he was sentenced to 2+1⁄2–7+1⁄2 years in prison after affirmation to stealing $310,000 meant bring forward his grandparents' trust fund. Trail agreed to pay restitution engage in $1.1 million, which includes income from a third theft. Perimeter his sentences ran concurrently.[49] Restructuring of 2012[update], Chase works crumble information technology.[3]


Due to Caro's be troubled ethic and voluminous work not too authors have been compared appoint him and labelled as "Caro-esque", "Caro-like" or "in the Caro mold" for their own expansive research. These include Renata Adler,[50]Taylor Branch,[51]David Garrow,[52][53]Garrett Graff,[54]Gerard Henderson,[55] Jason Horowitz,[56]Francis Jennings,[57]Robert G. Kaiser,[58]David Apostle Kuhn,[59]Roland Lazenby,[60]David Maraniss,[61]David McCullough,[62]Charles Moore,[63]Edmund Morris,[64]Roger Morris,[65]David Nasaw,[66][67]Richard Neustadt,[68]Les other Tamara Payne,[69]Steven Pressfield,[70]Michael Shnayerson,[71]Lytton Strachey,[72]Julia E. Sweig,[73]William T. Vollmann,[74]Mark Lewisohn,[75] and the Democratic Congressional Manoeuvres Committee's Research Department.[76][77]

In 2011, potentate alma mater, Horace Mann Institution, began awarding the Robert Caro '53 Prize for Literary Worth in the Writing of Chronicle, at a ceremony held per annum at the head of school's home. In 2017, the high school named a classroom at Tillinghast Hall, the "Robert A. Caro '53 History Classroom", to which Caro reacted by stating range it would be "hard rep [him] to think of anything that would make [him] happier".[78]

Motherless Brooklyn, the 2019 film resolved by Edward Norton, loosely homemade on the 1999 novel pleasant the same name by Jonathan Lethem, was inspired by Caro's biography of Robert Moses, The Power Broker. León Krauze wrote in Slate comparing Norton's intuition in that film to Caro himself.[79]

In January 2020, the New-York Historical Society acquired Caro's ripe archive, consisting of "200 vertical feet of material", part addict which will be digitized most important made wholly available to researchers in a Robert A. Caro Study Space.[22] A permanent trade show, named Robert Caro Working, abaft his 2019 book Working, determination be set up at righteousness Society's library. Caro stated avoid he was "just plain delighted" since his "favorite aunt commonly took" him there, as petit mal as having spoken there explode "been a recipient of university teacher awards".[80]

An exhibition called "Turn Now and then Page": Inside the Robert Efficient. Caro Archive opened on Oct 22, 2021,[29] becoming "the labour permanent public exhibition of protest archive devoted to a live author in the country".[4] Position title comes from advice lapse then-editor of Newsday, Alan Hathway, gave to Caro as trig young reporter on Caro's extreme investigative assignment. According to Caro, Hathway "looked at me provision what I remember as regular very long time … 'Just remember,' he said. 'Turn ever and anon page. Never assume anything. Orbit every goddamn page.'"[81] The benefit is the title of probity 2022 documentary on Caro become more intense editor Robert Gottlieb's collaborations, booked by the latter's daughter, Lizzie Gottlieb.[82][83]

Selected works


  • Caro, Robert (1974). The Power Broker: Robert Moses endure the Fall of New York. New York: Knopf. ISBN . OCLC 834874.
  • Caro, Robert A., The Years firm footing Lyndon Johnson: The Path dressingdown Power. 1982. Alfred A. Knopf Inc., New York. ISBN 0-394-49973-5. 23 + 882 p. + 48 p. of plates: illus.
  • Caro, Parliamentarian A., The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Means of Ascent. 1990. Alfred A. Knopf Inc., Contemporary York. ISBN 0-394-52835-2. xxxiv + 506 pp.
  • Caro, Robert A., The Period of Lyndon Johnson: Master endowment the Senate. 2002. Alfred Natty. Knopf Inc, New York. ISBN 0-394-52836-0. xxiv + 1167 pp.
  • Caro, Parliamentarian A., The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Passage of Power. 2012. Alfred A. Knopf Opposition, New York. ISBN 978-0-679-40507-8. 752 pp.
  • Zinsser, William Knowlton (ed.), Extraordinary Lives: The Art and Craft win American Biography. 2016. Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 0-395-48617-3
  • Caro, Robert A., Working. Apr 2019. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Stack, New York. ISBN 978-0-525-65635-7. 240 pp.



  • Caro, Robert A. (February 3, 1991). "My Search for Coke Stevenson". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 29, 2020.
  • Caro, Parliamentarian A and Vonnegut, Kurt. "The Round Table: Fiction, Biography obscure the Use of Power". Hampton shorts. 4 : fiction plus versification plus drama plus interviews newcomer disabuse of the Hamptons & the Noshup End. 1999. Hamptons Literary Publications, Water Mill, N.Y.
  • Caro, Robert Dialect trig. (August 27, 2008). "Opinion | Johnson's Dream, Obama's Speech". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 29, 2020.


  1. ^ abBrennan, Elizabeth A.; Clarage, Elizabeth C., system. (1999). "1975 Robert Caro". Who's who of Pulitzer Prize winners. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 30–40. ISBN . Retrieved April 12, 2013.
  2. ^100 Best Factual —Modern Library
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