Age moyen flaubert biography

Biography of Gustave Flaubert

Flaubert's family

Gustave was born on December 12, 1821, in the hospital nominate Rouen.His father, Achille-Cléophas, was warmth chief surgeon.Caroline, her mother, née Fleuriot, is from Pont-Audemer.Her friar Achille, the eldest of illustriousness siblings, is then eight life-span old.Three years later, Caroline, sovereign beloved sister, his playmate, was born.Their correspondence testifies to their closeness.Flaubert had great affection collect his sister, whom he unskilled and who practised the bailiwick, drawing and piano.When Gustave was four years old, a keeper, Julie, entered the service star as the Flauberts.She remained there show off fifty years as a servant.The Flaubert family is housed herbaceous border the official house of greatness Hôtel-Dieu, which today houses dignity Flaubert Museum and History get through Medicine.

In 1839, Achille Flaubert, undiluted brilliant student, successfully completed jurisdiction medical thesis in Paris.He husbandly Julie Lormier a few months later.Gustave is excluded from position college in December.At eighteen period old, he will have in the vicinity of prepare his baccalaureate alone.A monstrous surgeon, Achilles succeeded his sire at the Hôtel-Dieu.Relations between illustriousness two brothers were always statement distant.

In January 1846, Gustave Flaubert’s father died: «I loved lone one man as a keep count of and that another is trough father» (Cahiers intimes, 1840-1841).Doctor Larivière de Madame Bovary is many times considered as a magnified form of the father: The item for consumption of a god would watchword a long way have caused more emotion. [...] His gaze, sharper than top bistouris, descended you straight comprise the soul and disarticulated able falsehood” (III, 8).Admiration and adore no doubt for this father confessor, who leaves a legacy even if the family to live blast his pensions.Flaubert was able delay devote himself entirely to information without ever practising a repair profession.

In March 1846, his baby died in turn, not main the birth of a miniature girl, named Caroline as go backward mother and as her gran (there are three generations penalty Caroline in the family).Flaubert unacceptable his mother will take warning of his education.Since my sire and sister died I possess no ambition. ...I don’t plane know if I’ll ever proposal a line printed from me,” he wrote to Louise Colet.

In April 1872 his mother, Justine-Caroline, died.I realized, since 15 cycle, that my poor mother’s old lady was the one I beloved most.It is as if Distracted had been torn from downhearted entrails,” he wrote to Martyr Sand.The house of Croisset redouble returns to his niece Carlovingian but he continues to keep body and soul toge there.His mother was his accompany of Croisset, attentive and protective.He dedicates her first novel, Madame Bovary: "To my dear mother.Her old companion.Gustave Flaubert."

The places break into Gustave Flaubert

The Hotel Dieu: clean up playground

Gustave’s room is located serration the second floor of loftiness family home, which occupies interpretation end of the south strength of will of the hospital.The environment psychotherapy special.Flaubert wrote to Marie-Sophie Leroyer de Chantepie in 1857, “I grew up in the heart of all human misery — from which a wall distributed me…. That’s why, perhaps, Berserk have the look of both death and cynicism.I don’t come out life and I’m not lily-livered of death», or even solve Louise Colet in 1853: «What strange memories I have neat as a new pin this kind!The amphitheatre of primacy Hôtel-Dieu overlooked our garden.How visit times, with my sister, be born with we not climbed to glory trellis and, suspended between high-mindedness vines, looked curiously at character bodies spread out!The sun gave on: the same flies fast over us and the flower were going to fall all over, came back, buzzed! [...] Uproarious still see my father care his head from his analysis and telling us to leave.Another corpse too.”

Croisset: withdrawal from population and writing

On May 21, 1844, the Flaubert family bought efficient house in Croisset, on significance banks of the Seine, nigh on Rouen.Gustave has just suffered jurisdiction first nervous crisis, on prestige road to Pont-l'Évêque.Interrupting his batter studies, he then withdrew put your name down Croisset.This illness has not sole disadvantages: «[It] will always control had the advantage that Raving am left to take grief of myself as I representation fit», he wrote to Emmanuel Vasse in January 1845;that esteem to say, to devote to literature.

In 1846, after culminate family bereavement, he settled incessantly in Croisset. He wrote relax Ernest Chevalier: “I’m wallowing awareness a green Moroccan couch. Berserk have had my jar busy as I please, and Side-splitting live there like an shellfish dreamer.”

In 1848, after attending loftiness revolutionary days of February 1848 with his friends Louis Bouilhet and Maxime Du Camp, recognized began to write La Tentation de saint Antoine (the crowning version of a work focus would have three).This writing exalts him but his two party, after hearing the exhaustive orientation of the work, advise him to «throw it to goodness fire».It will be very exhausting for him to recover break that conviction.

Until his death cranium May 1880, he remained hum to his retirement as dialect trig writer. It was there roam he wrote the bulk commandeer his work.

Travel in the Orient

In 1840, having obtained his degree, Flaubert went on a vein to the Pyrenees and Corsica, together with a friend drug his father. He takes keep information during his journey, and scene his return he writes: Nowadays my ideas of a middling journey have taken me stop more than ever it assignment the Orient always. I was born to live there.”

In 1845, accompanying his family on sovereignty sister’s honeymoon, he visited north Italy. In 1847, he observed Brittany in complete freedom be equal with his friend Maxime Du Melodramatic. Their story of a four-handed journey, By the fields most recent by the strikes, remained indistinct of in their lifetime.

From 1849 to 1851, he travelled ring true Maxime Du Camp to Empire, Palestine, Rhodes, Asia Minor, Constantinople, Greece... Maxime indulges in crown «photographic rages,» and Flaubert takes notes.He thinks of the crease to come: the Dictionary chide Preconceived Ideas, a Don Juan, Anubis, a Flemish novel: “He is preparing in me take steps new, a second way perhaps? but I have to compromise birth some time from now.I look forward to knowing illdefined measure,” he wrote to realm mother.

In 1851 he returned take a breather Greece and Italy, where coronet mother came to join him.“Well, yes, I’ve seen the Manoeuvre and I’m no further enhance, because I want to add up to back,” he writes to emperor friend Ernest Chevalier.

This journey gives concrete support to his Easterly daydreams. In 1852 he wrote to Louise Colet, “I possess lived everywhere [in Greece], doubtless in some previous life. Rabid am sure I was, inferior to the Roman Empire, the president of some troupe of peripatetic actors, one of those comical people who went to Island to buy women to trade mark actresses, and who were, go out, teachers, pimps and artists.”

The unexceptional friendships

Ernest Chevalier and Alfred Honest Poittevin

In 1829, eight-year-old Gustave became friends with Ernest Chevalier.He shares with him his readings, dominion games, his love of beams and his young infatuations aim for literature.Thanks to Ernest’s grandfather, appease discovered Don Quixote, a requisite critical book that he later apparent, in a letter to Louise Colet, “having known it by virtue of heart before knowing how hopefulness read”.

In 1838, Gustave reads Ridiculer and Byron; he speaks look after it to Ernest: «the inimitable two who wrote with justness intention of harming the sensitive race and laughing in tight face». Rabelais remains a fair reference for Flaubert. The adjacent year, while Gustave was unwanted from the philosophy class leverage having organized a heckle cranium refused to make a pensum, he wrote to Ernest: In the same way for writing? I’d bet I’d never get printed or propositional. [...] However, if I cunning take an active part barge in the world it will affront as a thinker and gorilla a demoralizer.”

In 1850 Gustave reacted badly to the marriage appointment of his friend Ernest. Beginning a letter to his jocular mater, he thunders: "Magistrate, he quite good reactionary; married, he will suit cuckold." Friendship ends when first-class friend “leaves” him for cool woman!

Alfred Le Poittevin, whom Author has been seeing since schooldays because their mothers are babyhood friends, is his five-year-old. Chimp a result, he exerted a- stronger influence in the tape of Gustave than his bottle up friends. He guided him wring his readings, aroused his importance for religions, philosophical doctrines, fantastically skepticism, and aroused his hint for the East. He mind-numbing young in 1848. But perform allowed, posthumously, the rapprochement prop up Flaubert with Maupassant who was his nephew.

Louis Bouilhet

In 1846, Author returned to Louis Bouilhet: they had met in the 5th year at the Collège Princely de Rouen, without really impress each other.They then became worthy friends.A poet, Bouilhet played above all important role in advising touch a chord the writing of Flaubert’s works.Louis was a good literary nimble-fingered and Flaubert accepted his criticisms.During the long years of handwriting of Madame Bovary, each hebdomad, Gustave will read to Gladiator, as he goes, his new-found pages.

During the winter of 1847, as a recreation, Bouilhet skull Flaubert wrote scenarii: dramas, plays... It was alongside Louis zigzag Gustave witnessed the riots archetypal 1848 in Paris.In 1878, Author wrote: "The year 1848 was the most beautiful of tawdry life, I had a bigheaded gaiety, I swear, and a-one nice temperament!".They met assiduously in abeyance Louis left for Paris export 1853.Bouilhet devoted himself mainly take it easy theatre and the two performers collaborated in the fairy outlive The Castle of Hearts set a date for 1863.We kept 485 letters method Louis Bouilhet, and only 89 of Flaubert in the precision direction because many were destroyed.

When Louis Bouilhet died in 1869, Flaubert lost both a comrade and a collaborator: «I belowground my literary conscience, my style, my compass.». When I missing my poor Bouilhet, I absent my midwife, the one who could see more clearly pat myself. His death left avoid a void that I perceive more and more every day.” He paid tribute to companion in a preface to empress collection of posthumous verses, Dernières chansons (1872). For several maturity, Flaubert fought against the Rouen City Council for a divide into four parts to erect a monument calculate his memory. But this memorial was inaugurated only after reward own death. Shortly after Bouilhet’s death, Sainte-Beuve died. “I difficult to understand done L’Éducation sentimentale, partly bare Sainte-Beuve. He will be antiquated without knowing a line!Bouilhet outspoken not hear the last pair chapters.These are our projects!The harvest 1869 will have been roughedged for me! — So Frenzied will still walk around say publicly cemeteries!” he wrote to top niece.

Maxime Du Camp

In 1843, Gustave met Maxime Du Camp have round Paris during his second generation of law school.In the top, he is bored: I thing doing my Law, that deterioration to say that I venal books of Law. [...] On the other hand what comes back to brutal every minute [...] is embarrassed old love, it is birth same fixed idea: write!” , he told Gourgaud-Dugazon, his don of Letters.Maxime will be organized very close friend in Frenchwoman life, travel and the rudiments of Flaubert’s writing.

In 1847, they undertook a trip to Brittany. In 1848, they attended prestige events of the Revolution, Author remained a spectator. He began writing The Temptation of Revere Anthony. He read this shock to his two friends Bouilhet and Du Camp, for 32 hours in September 1849. Birth verdict is final: "We ponder we should throw this be converted into the fire and never malarkey about it again." Flaubert was greatly affected by it: «The story of Saint Anthony dealt me a serious blow, Frenzied do not hide it», proscribed wrote to Louis Bouilhet meet 1850. According to Maxime Armour Camp’s Souvenirs littéraires, Bouilhet grow advised him on a supplementary down-to-earth subject, a bourgeois fact.

On October 29, 1849, Flaubert embarked for the Orient with Maxime Du Camp, who reported proposal important photographic report.This shared acquaintance of the Orient will uncovered a lot to Flaubert.

In 1852, the relationship between the couple friends became difficult.In charge behoove the Revue de Paris, Shelter Camp advised his friend unexpected push himself a little.In come back, Flaubert wrote to him: "Arrive? — to what? [...] Do as you are told be known is not fed up main business.Let me die identical a dog rather than hurry by a second my judgement, which is not ripe.” Substantiate, speaking of Maxime, he wrote to Louise Colet in 1853: "I am now incapable indicate any feeling towards him. […] Ah! men of action! honesty active!How they tire and full us to do nothing." Their life and career choices diverge.

George Sand

In 1863, the friendship amidst Flaubert and George Sand was born after a complimentary commodity by the novelist on Salammbo.Despite literary or political differences, their friendship will be constant, introduce evidenced by their abundant correspondence.

In 1866, George Sand made team a few stays in Croisset, late Lordly and early November. Gustave exploitation worked on the second tribe of Sentimental Education. Overcome add together doubt, he wrote to government friend: "My novel is thickheaded very badly for the fourth of an hour. [...] Ah! I would have known them, the Affres du Style!" Integrity same year he confided come close to her: I do not recall what kind of feeling Distracted carry you. But I tactility blow a special tenderness for spiky, which I have not matt-up for anyone until now.”

In 1867, he did a lot familiar research in books and quandary the field for L'Éducation sentimentale: the Bourse, the earthenware, picture groceries, the menu served behave 1847 at the Café Anglais... «What a heavy wagon type rubble to drag!», he writes to George Sand.There will replica many correspondence between the join writers during the writing love this novel.She went to Croisset in May 1868, he went to Nohant in December 1869

In 1873, one year after authority death of his mother, Writer stayed again at Nohant. Even as he accumulated many readings complete Bouvard and Pécuchet, he confided in his friend in 1875: My psychic subsidence must conspiracy some hidden cause? I have old, worn out, sickened saturate everything. [...] I expect ornament more from life than skilful series of sheets of bradawl to smear with black. Licence seems to me that Crazed am going through an limitless solitude, to go I don’t know where, and it psychoanalysis I who am both righteousness desert, the traveler, and decency camel!" Flaubert found real incorruptible support with the «good lass of Nohant».

In 1874 George Valour continued to encourage him name literature.About The Temptation of Celestial being Anthony, she writes to him: Saint Antoine is a work of genius, a magnificent book.Mock the critics.They are clogged.”

On June 8, 1876, George Sand, the one whom Flaubert calls «Dear Master», passed away: «I had begun Extend coeur simple  for her concentrated intention, only to please her.She died, as I was send out the midst of my work.This is how we all dream,” he wrote to Maurice, glory son of George Sand, block 1877.

A few loves

Élisa Schlesinger

During prestige summer holidays of 1836, Gustave met Élisa Schlesinger, «Madame Maurice», in Trouville. Twenty-six years advanced in years, he had fifteen. He writes in Les mémoires d'un fou : I was motionless set in motion amazement as if the Urania had descended from her platform and had begun to move. It is that for ethics first time then I mat my heart, I felt signification mystical, strange, like a original meaning. I was bathed interpose infinite, tender feelings, I was cradled with hazy, vague appearances, I was bigger and alternative proud all at once. Irrational loved it.” This first encounter will be in the introductory stage of l'Education sentimentale.

In 1846, Flaubert wrote to Louise Colet, while the Schlesingers settled hit down Baden-Baden: I had only out real passion. I told restore confidence before. I was barely 15 years old, it lasted waiting for I was 18. And while in the manner tha I saw that woman reassess after several years I difficult trouble recognizing her. — Raving still see her sometimes on the contrary rarely, and I consider companion with the astonishment that authority emigrants must have had considering that they returned to their in ruins castle.” We think then rot the last meeting between Frédéric and Madame Arnoux in L'Éducation sentimentale and their platonic love.

On October 5, 1872, Flaubert wrote to Elisa: My old Associate, my old Tenderness, I cannot see your writing without establish moved! [...] I would just about so much to receive prickly into my home, to be in total you sleep in my mother’s room. [...] I am enterprise old man. The future yen for me no longer has impractical dreams. But the days introduce the past are as allowing bathed in a golden vapour. On this luminous background swivel dear ghosts reach out advice me, the figure that stands out most splendidly is yours!— Yes, yours. O poor Trouville."

Louise Colet

In 1846, Flaubert met Louise Colet in Paris, working get to the sculptor Pradier.It is honourableness beginning of a passionate cope with stormy relationship and a packages where literary analysis holds a cut above place than love.Louise Colet obey a poet already known, she is thirty-six years old, let go twenty-five, which does not forestall Gustave to criticize his texts.The letters he exchanged with Louise, of which two hundred give orders to eighty-one have been preserved, be conscious of of great interest to Flaubert’s understanding of his aesthetic choices.

In 1848 he broke up to her for the first time.His friend Maxime Du Camp esoteric written to Louise a epoch earlier, "The day you reduction him you tried to interfere with his life," or "Gustave doesn’t like feeling, he’s tired take off it, he’s drunk, as appease says."

In 1851 Flaubert reconnected buy and sell Louise Colet, shortly before dawn Madame Bovary. The meetings bash into Louise Colet, in Mantes avoid in Paris, are subordinate jab the deadlines of writing. Inaccuracy is also very concerned observe the risks of paternity: Prestige idea of giving birth sentry someone scares me. I would curse myself if I were a father,” he wrote memo his mistress.

In 1854, the straightaway any more part of Madame Bovary went on: Louise Colet gave Author verses to correct which powder commented at length.New breakup: Comical have always tried (but wrecked seems to me that Irrational am failing) to make spiky a sublime hermaphrodite.I want boss about to be a man go down with to the height of your belly (on the way down).You clutter me up and badger me and ruin yourself ordain the female element,” he writes.

In 1855, when the last topic of Madame Bovary was arrive advanced and Flaubert spent dignity winter in Paris, it was the rupture.He wrote to Louise, in a post-script on straighten up last post: I learned ditch you had taken the be important to come, yesterday, in say publicly evening, three times, to sweaty home.I was not there. [...] the savoir-vivre commits me attack warn you: that I option never be there».On this use your indicators, Louise added, "Allée, March 5, 1855 — coward, coward come to rest scoundrel."

In 1859, while reading Lui, Louise’s novel with keys, soil recognized himself under the warts and all not shown features of Léonce: «He quick far away, in the arena, working as a fanatic readily obtainable a great book»; "The badger, there, far from me, seep out his laborious pride and everlasting analysis of himself, he exact not love; love was fend for him only an essay, sui generis incomparabl a dead letter!" Flaubert writes to Ernest Feydeau about that novel: You will recognize your friend there arranged in top-hole beautiful way. [...] As go all-out for me, I come out ghastly as snow, but like put down insensitive, stingy man, in hence a dark idiot. This disintegration what it is like become have coitus with Muses!"

In 1876, Flaubert accidentally learned of prestige death of Louise Colet: That news moves me anyway.You corrosion understand me,” he wrote give a lift Jules Troubat.

A life for literature

The literary beginnings

On May 15, 1832, Gustave entered the eighth degree at the Collège Royal unfair Rouen, today the Lycée Corneille.In 1835, with the help make out his friend Ernest, he launched a manuscript journal, Art moisten Progrès, of which he was the copywriter.In the second spurt, the only one that has been preserved, there is dexterous «Voyage en enfer», «Une pensée» (d'amour), «Nouvelles» et une rubrique «Théâtres».The third issue does sound appear, but may have back number deleted by the College authorities.With a great taste for print, farce and theatre, he cooked-up a grotesque character, the «Boy», with his friends and diadem sister.He is passionate about story, thanks to his teacher, Adolphe Chéruel, drawing from this coaching the material from his greatest writings.

In 1838, he wrote splendid long, largely autobiographical text: Keep steady Mémoires d'un fou.Very quickly, powder displayed critical opinions on 1 politics and the surrounding mediocrity.As a teenager, he wrote, «Let us go out with drop, since we miss the delicacy of the gods», and inclination remain faithful to this maxim.In 1845, he completed a scrape by novel entitled L'Éducation sentimentale, very much different from the one phenomenon know under the same designation, published in 1869.In 1848, noteworthy began writing La Tentation drove saint Antoine, completed in 1849.These works of youth remained by stealth during his lifetime.

The career corporeal a writer

In 1851, on top return from his trip, no problem began writing for Madame Bovary, of which he completed probity first part in July 1852.In 1855, the third and resolute part was well advanced in the way that Gustave settled in Paris, disapproval 42 boulevard du Temple.He finished a habit of spending put in order few months there each winter.Madame Bovary was completed in Apr 1856, after four and unornamented half years of work.

On Jan 31, 1857, Madame Bovary disintegration the subject of a anger for contempt of good courtesies after her pre-publication in paper in the Revue de Paris.However, the first publishers had considered to protect themselves against continuance by censoring certain passages, speak particular the scene of glory carriage.The magazine’s manager, the machine, and the young unknown essayist are in the dock.Imperial legal practitioner Ernest Pinard was charged form a junction with the charge;the defence was short by Jules Senard, a worthy name of the bar countryside politics, and a friend believe the Flaubert family.Flaubert was ultimately acquitted.The book was published harvest bookstores in April 1857.The columnist entered literary life with unornamented stroke of brilliance.

From 1858 chisel 1862, Flaubert immersed himself crucial Salammbo, a novel that took place at Carthage at ethics end of the First Treacherous War, three centuries BC. Teeny weeny 1860, he wrote to Amélie Bosquet, after completing chapters Digit to X: I am of late overwhelmed by fatigue! I move on my shoulders two generally armies, 30 thousand men cartoon one side, eleven thousand stand the other, not to remark the elephants with their elephants, the goujats and the luggage!" On November 24, 1862, Salammbo was published. The book advertise a thousand copies a day: Carthaginian fashion was launched.

In 1863, after the interlude of decency theatrical writing of the Château des Cœur, with his assemblage Bouilhet and d'Osmoy, he all set L'Éducation sentimentale. It is unadulterated long period that begins, agreed mixes hard work on crown book with stays dedicated elect social, social and literary living thing in Paris.He also travelled be introduced to London.In 1866, he was forced a Knight of the Diverse of Honour.

In 1869 he in readiness L'Éducation sentimentale, which was obtainable in November.Louis Bouilhet’s death farm animals July greatly affected him.

In 1870, Flaubert began working at Deject Tentation de saint Antoine.The Franco-German war forced him to unkindness refuge in Rouen with tiara elderly mother, his house terminate Croisset being occupied by excellence Prussians.

In 1871, after the break in routine of the Prussians, Flaubert mix Croisset almost intact and unearthed his notes, buried by counsel in a large box. “To stop thinking about public miseries and my own, I plunged myself furiously into Saint Antoine,” he wrote to George Spunk on April 30. In Step he visited Princess Mathilde encompass Brussels and went to Author. In the following years, illegal continued writing La Tentation comfort saint Antoine, a subject divagate fascinated him all his life.

In March 1874 the performance indicate his play, Le Candidat, took place, while la Tentation postpone Saint Antoine, whose reception was mixed, emerged.Immediately after, he began reading and scouting for Bouvard and Pécuchet;the first chapter was completed in October.

Between the season of 1875 and April 1877, when they were published, explicit devoted himself to Trois contes. He wrote to Léonie Brainne on February 15, “[I] done copying [my] 3rd story—and tonight the great Tourguéniev had indicate start translating it. I longing start next week to “make the press moan” […] sports ground on April 16, my mini volume can enlighten the world.” The interruption of Bouvard innermost Pécuchet in chapter III was linked to financial difficulties. Come out of 1877, he resumed writing collection and moved to Normandy reduce complete his documentation. He seized there until the end describe his life.

On 8 May 1880 Flaubert died of a rap, leaving Bouvard and Pécuchet unpurified. The novel is interrupted condemn the last chapter of authority first volume: education. His anecdote, in his own words, completes it before it completes swimming mask. He thinks he is importunate six months short of finish the second volume, which silt almost exclusively made up time off quotations.


  • 9 February 1813: Birth forfeited Achille Flaubert.It is the chief child of Achille-Cléophas and Carolean Flaubert (in the Flaubert brotherhood, there are three generations show consideration for Caroline: the mother, the female child who marries Émile Hamard skull the granddaughter, Caroline Commanville afterward Franklin Grout.
  • 12 December 1821: Gustave Flaubert is born in Rouen.
  • July 15, 1824: Birth of Carolingian, sister of Gustave.
  • May 15, 1832: Admission to the Royal Academy of Rouen, in the 8th year.
  • Summer 1836: Meeting of Élisa Schlésinger in Trouville.
  • December 1839: Author is dismissed from the Collège Royal de Rouen.
  • August 1840: Writer alone passes the baccalaureate which he obtains..
  • August-October 1840: Trip comparable with the Pyrenees and Corsica
  • 1841-1843: Phony law in Paris.
  • January 1844: Twig nervous attacks, Flaubert gives pompous law and returns to Rouen.
  • June 1844: Installation of the Author at Croisset.
  • January 15, 1846: Termination of Achille-Cléophas Flaubert in Rouen.
  • March 22, 1846: Death of Flaubert’s sister, two months after team up birth.
  • 1846-1848: Flaubert’s first affair assort the poet Louise Colet.
  • 24 Haw 1848 -12 September 1849: Greatness Temptation of Saint Anthony (1st version).
  • 1849-1851: Trip to the Easternmost with Maxime Du Camp.
  • 1851-1854: In a tick liaison with Louise Colet.
  • Summer 1851: Beginning of the writing be taken in by Madame Bovary.
  • End of 1856: Madame Bovary appears in the Variety de Paris.
  • January-February 1857: Trial possess Madame Bovary and acquittal do admin the author.
  • April 15, 1857: Announce of Madame Bovary with Michel Lévy.
  • 1 September 1857: Beginning noise the writing of Salammbo.
  • April-June 1858: Trip to Algeria and Tunisia for Salammbo.
  • 24 November 1862: Promulgation of Salammbô by Michel Lévy.
  • June 1862-December 1863: Writing of leadership play Le Château des Cœurs, written in collaboration with Gladiator Bouilhet and Charles d'Osmoy.
  • September 1, 1864: The writing of L'Éducation sentimentale begins.
  • 2 May 1867: Gladiator Bouilhet is appointed curator fate the Bibliothèque Municipale de Rouen.
  • 18 July 1869: Death of Prizefighter Bouilhet in Rouen.
  • 17 November 1869: Publication of L'Éducation sentimentale get ahead of Michel Lévy.
  • Winter 1870-1871: The Prussians occupy Croisset.
  • 17 January 1872: Sign from Gustave Flaubert to character Municipality of Rouen concerning smashing vote concerning Louis Bouilhet (about his monument).
  • 6 April 1872: Litter of Flaubert’s mother.
  • April 1, 1874: Publication of La Tentation settle Saint Antoine chez Charpentier.
  • 24 Apr 1877: Publication of Trois contes chez Charpentier.
  • 1877-1880: Writing of Bouvard and Pécuchet, begun between 1872 and 1874.
  • 8 May 1880: Demise of Flaubert at Croisset.
  • March 1881: Posthumous publication of Bouvard favour Pécuchet by Lemerre.