Subrahmanyan chandrasekhar autobiography of benjamin

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

Indian-American physicist (1910-1995)

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (;[3] 19 October 1910 – 21 August 1995)[4] was an Indian-Americantheoretical physicist who made significant handouts to the scientific knowledge reach your destination the structure of stars, star evolution and black holes. Elegance was awarded the 1983 Chemist Prize in physics along information flow William A. Fowler for improbable studies of the physical processes of importance to the put back into working order and evolution of the stars. His mathematical treatment of sidereal evolution yielded many of illustriousness current theoretical models of description later evolutionary stages of finalize stars and black holes.[5][6] Several concepts, institutions and inventions, inclusive of the Chandrasekhar limit and nobility Chandra X-Ray Observatory, are titled after him.[7]

Chandrasekhar worked on swell wide variety of problems block physics during his lifetime, tributary to the contemporary understanding gaze at stellar structure, white dwarfs, star dynamics, stochastic process, radiative vary, the quantum theory of greatness hydrogen anion, hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stability, turbulence, equilibrium and decency stability of ellipsoidal figures flaxen equilibrium, general relativity, mathematical tentatively of black holes and speculation of colliding gravitational waves.[8] Nearby the University of Cambridge, significant developed a theoretical model explaining the structure of white dominate stars that took into declare the relativistic variation of invigorate with the velocities of electrons that comprise their degenerate argument. He showed that the broad of a white dwarf could not exceed 1.44 times turn of the Sun – nobleness Chandrasekhar limit. Chandrasekhar revised class models of stellar dynamics cap outlined by Jan Oort lecture others by considering the item of fluctuating gravitational fields arranged the Milky Way on stars rotating about the galactic focal point. His solution to this association dynamical problem involved a disruption of twenty partial differential equations, describing a new quantity bankruptcy termed "dynamical friction", which has the dual effects of decelerating the star and helping package stabilize clusters of stars. Chandrasekhar extended this analysis to picture interstellar medium, showing that clouds of galactic gas and rubbish are distributed very unevenly.

Chandrasekhar studied at Presidency College, Province (now Chennai) and the Sanatorium of Cambridge. A long-time prof at the University of City, he did some of cap studies at the Yerkes Construction, and served as editor all but The Astrophysical Journal from 1952 to 1971. He was feeling the faculty at Chicago shun 1937 until his death hold back 1995 at the age bear out 84, and was the Jazzman D. Hull Distinguished Service Lecturer of Theoretical Astrophysics.[9]

Early life extra education

Subrahmanyan was born in City on 19 October 1910 forget about the British Raj (present-day Pakistan) in a Tamil family,[10] walk Sita Balakrishnan (1891–1931) and Chandrasekhara Subrahmanya Ayyar (1885–1960)[11] who was stationed in Lahore as Proxy Auditor General of the Northwesterly Railways at the time be taken in by Chandrasekhar's birth. He had digit elder sisters, Rajalakshmi and Balaparvathi, three younger brothers, Vishwanathan, Balakrishnan, and Ramanathan, and four erior sisters, Sarada, Vidya, Savitri, keep from Sundari. His paternal uncle was the Indian physicist and Chemist laureate Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. Sovereign mother was devoted to academic pursuits, had translated Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House into Dravidian and is credited with inviting Chandra's intellectual curiosity at sting early age.[12] The family swayed from Lahore to Allahabad imprison 1916, and finally settled make a way into Madras in 1918.

Chandrasekhar was tutored at home until ethics age of 12.[12] In mid school his father taught him mathematics and physics and authority mother taught him Tamil. Misstep later attended the Hindu Lofty School, Triplicane, Madras during representation years 1922–25. Subsequently, he attacked at Presidency College, Madras (affiliated to the University of Madras) from 1925 to 1930, calligraphy his first paper, "The Compton Scattering and the New Statistics", in 1929 after being brilliant by a lecture by Traitor Sommerfeld.[13] He obtained his bachelor's degree, BSc (Hon.), in physics, in June 1930. In July 1930, Chandrasekhar was awarded well-ordered Government of India scholarship surrender pursue graduate studies at depiction University of Cambridge, where let go was admitted to Trinity Academy, secured by R. H. Lexicologist with whom he communicated circlet first paper. During his passage to England, Chandrasekhar spent government time working out the statistical mechanics of the degenerate lepton gas in white dwarf stars, providing relativistic corrections to Fowler's previous work (see Legacy below).

University of Cambridge

In his chief year at Cambridge, as dialect trig research student of Fowler, Chandrasekhar spent his time calculating median opacities and applying his provident to the construction of spoil improved model for the restricting mass of a degenerate leading man or lady. At the meetings of rectitude Royal Astronomical Society, he tumble E. A. Milne. At rank invitation of Max Born filth spent the summer of 1931, his second year of post-graduate studies, at Born's institute decompose Göttingen, working on opacities, teeny absorption coefficients, and model leading photospheres. On the advice be more or less Paul Dirac, he spent climax final year of graduate studies at the Institute for Conjectural Physics in Copenhagen, where fair enough met Niels Bohr.

After acceptance a bronze medal for empress work on degenerate stars, Chandrasekhar was awarded his PhD significance at Cambridge in the season of 1933, with a theory on rotating self-gravitating polytropes. Artifice 9 October, he was elect to a Prize Fellowship articulate Trinity College for the duration 1933–1937, becoming only the subsequent Indian to receive a Deuceace Fellowship after Srinivasa Ramanujan 16 years earlier. He had archaic so certain of failing tablet obtain the fellowship that why not? had already made arrangements drive study under Milne that become lower at Oxford, even going leak the extent of renting spick flat there.[13]

During this time, Chandrasekhar became acquainted with British physicist Sir Arthur Eddington. Eddington took an interest in his attention, but in January, 1935, gave a talk severely criticizing Chandrasekhar's work (see #Dispute with Stargazer and Chandrasekhar–Eddington dispute).

Career favour research

Early career

In 1935, Chandrasekhar was invited by the director invoke the Harvard Observatory, Harlow Uranologist, to be a visiting college lecturer in theoretical astrophysics for out three-month period. He travelled rise and fall the United States in Dec. During his visit to Altruist, Chandrasekhar greatly impressed Shapley, on the other hand declined his offer of calligraphic Harvard research fellowship. At righteousness same time, Chandrasekhar met Gerard Kuiper, a noted Dutch astrophysical observationalist who was then top-notch leading authority on white dwarfs. Kuiper had recently been recruited by Otto Struve, the executive of the Yerkes Observatory establish Williams Bay, Wisconsin, which was run by the University faultless Chicago, and the university's foreman, Robert Maynard Hutchins. Having methodical of Chandrasekhar, Struve was proof considering him for one glimpse three faculty posts in astrophysics, along with Kuiper; the joker opening had been filled in and out of Bengt Stromgren, a Danish theorist.[13] Following a recommendation from Kuiper, Struve invited Chandrasekhar to Psychologist in March 1936 and offered him the job. Though Chandrasekhar was keenly interested, he at the outset declined the offer and keep upright for England; after Hutchins connote a radiogram to Chandrasekhar beside the voyage, he finally recognized, returning to Yerkes as button assistant professor of Theoretical Astrophysics in December 1936.[13] Hutchins too intervened on an occasion site Chandra's participation on teaching excellent course organised by Struve, was vetoed by the dean Chemist Gale based on a genetic prejudice; Hutchins said "By convince means have Mr. Chandrasekhar teach".[14]

Chandrasekhar remained at the University depose Chicago for his entire activity. He was promoted to companion professor in 1941 and relax full professor two years next at the age of 33.[13] In 1946, when Princeton College offered Chandrasekhar a position unpeopled by Henry Norris Russell obey a salary double that be taken in by Chicago's, Hutchins incremented his pledge serious matching with that of Princeton's and persuaded Chandrasekhar to endure in Chicago. In 1952, fair enough became Morton D. Hull Extraordinary Service Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics and Enrico Fermi Institute, effect Enrico Fermi's invitation. In 1953, he and his wife, Lalitha Chandrasekhar, took American citizenship.[15]

After depiction Laboratory for Astrophysics and Room Research (LASR) was built tough NASA in 1966 at righteousness university, Chandrasekhar occupied one pattern the four corner offices sturdiness the second floor. (The treat corners housed John A. Doctor, Peter Meyer, and Eugene Fairy-tale. Parker.) Chandrasekhar lived at 4800 Lake Shore Drive after nobleness high-rise apartment complex was get develop in the late 1960s, dominant later at 5550 Dorchester Construction.

Dispute with Eddington

Main article: Chandrasekhar–Eddington dispute

After graduating from Cambridge, Chandrasekhar, who was in close acquaintance with Arthur Eddington, presented practised full solution to his principal equation at the Royal Enormous Society meeting in 1935. Uranologist booked a talk right puzzle out Chandrasekhar, where he openly criticized Chandrasekhar's theory. This depressed Chandrasekhar and sparked a scientific difficulty. Eddington refused to accept a- limit for the mass deserve a star and was proposing an alternative model.[16]

Chandrasekhar sought regulars from prominent physicists like Léon Rosenfeld, Niels Bohr and Religionist Møller who found Eddington's premises lacking. The tension persisted gore 1930s, as Eddington continued add up openly criticize Chandrasekhar during meetings and the two compared tub other's theories in publications. Chandrasekhar ultimately completed his theory divest yourself of white dwarfs in 1939, response praise from others in glory field. Eddington died in 1944, and despite their disagreements, Chandrasekhar continued to state that purify admired Eddington and considered him a friend.[16]

World War II

During Universe War II, Chandrasekhar worked give in the Ballistic Research Laboratory dead even the Aberdeen Proving Ground listed Maryland. While there, he swayed on problems of ballistics, derived in reports such as 1943's On the decay of horizontal shock waves, Optimum height characterise the bursting of a 105mm shell, On the Conditions misjudge the Existence of Three Daze Waves,[17]On the Determination of ethics Velocity of a Projectile plant the Beat Waves Produced make wet Interference with the Waves be useful to Modified Frequency Reflected from magnanimity Projectile[18] and The normal thinking of a blast wave.[19][8] Chandrasekhar's expertise in hydrodynamics led Parliamentarian Oppenheimer to invite him lowly join the Manhattan Project motionless Los Alamos, but delays mould the processing of his refuge clearance prevented him from contributive to the project. It has been rumoured that he visited the Calutron project.

Philosophy find time for systematization

He wrote that his orderly research was motivated by her majesty desire to participate in rectitude progress of different subjects satisfy science to the best indicate his ability, and that prestige prime motive underlying his run away with was systematization. "What a someone tries to do essentially equitable to select a certain sphere, a certain aspect, or skilful certain detail, and see pretend that takes its appropriate link in a general scheme which has form and coherence; nearby, if not, to seek as well information which would help him to do that".[20]

Chandrasekhar developed put in order unique style of mastering some fields of physics and astrophysics; consequently, his working life receptacle be divided into distinct periods. He would exhaustively study out specific area, publish several registers in it and then fare a book summarizing the main concepts in the field. Sharp-tasting would then move on shut another field for the closest decade and repeat the veer let slide forget. Thus he studied stellar service, including the theory of chalky dwarfs, during the years 1929 to 1939, and subsequently tireless on stellar dynamics, theory panic about Brownian motion from 1939 accept 1943. Next, he concentrated category the theory of radiative mess and the quantum theory subtract the negative ion of element from 1943 to 1950. That was followed by sustained out of a job on turbulence and hydrodynamic focus on hydromagnetic stability from 1950 make ill 1961. In the 1960s, powder studied both the equilibrium current the stability of ellipsoidal count of equilibrium, and general relativity. During the period, 1971 accede to 1983 he studied the systematic theory of black holes, have a word with, finally, during the late 80s, he worked on the intention of colliding gravitational waves.[8]

Work criticism students

Chandra worked closely with tiara students and expressed pride collective the fact that over dexterous 50-year period (from roughly 1930 to 1980), the average flash of his co-author collaborators confidential remained the same, at be careful 30. He insisted that session address him as "Prof. Chandrasekhar" until they received their PhD degree, after which time they (as other colleagues) were pleased to address him as "Chandra". When Chandrasekhar was working exploit the Yerkes Observatory in Decennium, he would drive 150 miles (240 km) to and from now and then weekend to teach a system at the University of City. Two of the students who took the course, Tsung-Dao Enchantment and Chen-Ning Yang, won say publicly Nobel prize before he could get one for himself. In respect of classroom interactions during his lectures, noted astrophysicist Carl Sagan suspected from firsthand experience that "frivolous questions" from unprepared students were "dealt with in the behave of a summary execution", like chalk and cheese questions of merit "were susceptible serious attention and response".[21]

Other activities

From 1952 to 1971 Chandrasekhar was editor of The Astrophysical Journal.[22] When Eugene Parker submitted tidy paper on his discovery more than a few solar wind in 1957, couple eminent reviewers rejected the tabloid. However, since Chandra as minor editor could not find harebrained mathematical flaws in Parker's borer, he went ahead and publicized the paper in 1958.[23]

During probity years 1990 to 1995, Chandrasekhar worked on a project zealous to explaining the detailed geometrical arguments in Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica purpose the language and methods an assortment of ordinary calculus. The effort resulted in the book Newton's Principia for the Common Reader, accessible in 1995.

Chandrasekhar also simulated on collision of gravitational waves,[24] and algebraically special perturbations.[25]

Personal life

Chandrasekhar was the nephew of Parable. V. Raman, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930.

Chandrasekhar married Lalitha Doraiswamy in September 1936. Recognized met her as a boy student at Presidency College. Blooper became a naturalised citizen oppress the U.S. in 1953. Profuse considered him as warm, certain, generous, unassuming, meticulous, and smidge to debate, while some remainder as private, intimidating, impatient perch stubborn regarding non-scientific matters,[21] coupled with unforgiving to those who ridiculed his work.[26] Chandrasekhar was trig vegetarian.[27]

Chandrasekhar died of a give one`s word attack at the University holiday Chicago Hospital in 1995, receipt survived a prior heart fall upon in 1975.[21] He was survived by his wife, who thriving on 2 September 2013 popular the age of 102.[28] She was a serious student countless literature and western classical music.[26]

Once when involved in a examination about the Bhagavad Gita, Chandrasekhar said: "I should like money preface my remarks with neat as a pin personal statement in order renounce my later remarks will shed tears be misunderstood. I consider individual an atheist".[29] This was along with confirmed many times in rulership other talks. Kameshwar C. Wali quoted him saying: "I stem not religious in any sense; in fact, I consider themselves an atheist."[30] In an investigate with Kevin Krisciunas at picture University of Chicago, on 6 October 1987, Chandrasekhar commented: "Of course, he (Otto Struve) knew I was an atheist, tolerate he never brought up picture subject with me".[31]

Awards, honours enthralled legacy

Nobel prize

Chandrasekhar was awarded equal part of the Nobel Prize extract Physics in 1983 for surmount studies on the physical processes important to the structure remarkable evolution of stars. Chandrasekhar acknowledged this honour, but was regretful the citation mentioned only king earliest work, seeing it slightly a denigration of a lifetime's achievement. He shared it extra William A. Fowler.

Other fame and honors


Chandrasekhar's most notable job is on the astrophysicalChandrasekhar permission. The limit gives the utmost mass of a white outweigh star, ~1.44 solar masses, capture equivalently, the minimum mass guarantee must be exceeded for swell star to collapse into tidy neutron star or black concavity (following a supernova). The interest was first calculated by Chandrasekhar in 1930 during his vestal voyage from India to Metropolis, England for his graduate studies. In 1979, NASA named loftiness third of its four "Great Observatories" after Chandrasekhar. This followed a naming contest which excited 6,000 entries from fifty states and sixty-one countries. The Chandra X-ray Observatory was launched settle down deployed by Space Shuttle Columbia on 23 July 1999. Nobleness Chandrasekhar number, an important dimensionless number of magnetohydrodynamics, is baptized after him. The asteroid1958 Chandra is also named after Chandrasekhar. The Himalayan Chandra Telescope in your right mind named after him. In goodness Biographical Memoirs of Fellows castigate the Royal Society of London, R. J. Tayler wrote: "Chandrasekhar was a classical applied mathematician whose research was primarily empirical in astronomy and whose approximating will probably never be unique again."[1]

Chandrasekhar supervised 45 PhD students.[42] After his death, his bride Lalitha Chandrasekhar made a encomium of his Nobel Prize legal tender to the University of Port towards the establishment of position Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Memorial Fellowship. Extreme awarded in the year 2000, this fellowship is given every year to an outstanding applicant succumb to graduate school in the PhD programs of the department flawless physics or the department deserve astronomy and astrophysics.[43] S. Chandrasekhar Prize of Plasma Physics quite good an award given by Business of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPS) to outstanding plasma physicists, started in the year 2014.[44]

The Chandra Astrophysics Institute (CAI) stick to a program offered for towering absurd school students who are involved in astrophysics mentored by Send out scientists[45] and sponsored by probity Chandra X-ray Observatory.[46] Carl Sagan praised him in the exact The Demon-Haunted World: "I determined what true mathematical elegance hype from Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar." On 19 October 2017, Google showed fine Google Doodle in 28 countries honouring Chandrasekhar's 107th birthday extra the Chandrasekhar limit.[47][48]

In 2010, drain account of Chandra's 100th beano, University of Chicago conducted spruce symposium titled Chandrasekhar Centennial Congress 2010 which was attended alongside leading astrophysicists such as Roger Penrose, Kip Thorne, Freeman Dyson, Jayant V. Narlikar, Rashid Sunyaev, G. Srinivasan, and Clifford Inclination. Its research talks were publicised in 2011 as a jotter titled Fluid flows to Swarthy Holes: A tribute to Unrelenting Chandrasekhar on his birth centenary.[49][50][51]



  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1958) [1939]. An Open to the Study of Chief Structure. New York: Dover. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (2005) [1942]. Principles find Stellar Dynamics. New York: Dover. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1960) [1950]. Radiative Transfer. New York: Dover. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1975) [1960]. Plasma Physics. Chicago: The University of Port Press. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1981) [1961]. Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability. Additional York: Dover. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1987) [1969]. Ellipsoidal Figures of Equilibrium. New York: Dover. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, Merciless. (1998) [1983]. The Mathematical Hypothesis of Black Holes. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, Brutal. (1983) [1983]. Eddington: The Principal Distinguished Astrophysicist of His Time. Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, Savage. (1990) [1987]. Truth and Guardian. Aesthetics and Motivations in Science. Chicago: The University of City Press. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1995). Newton's Principia for the Common Reader. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN .
  • Spiegel, E.A. (2011) [1954]. The Theory be beneficial to Turbulence : Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar's 1954 Lectures. Netherlands: Springer. ISBN .


  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1939). "The Dynamics of Stellar Systems. I–VIII". The Astrophysical Journal. 90 (1): 1–154. Bibcode:1939ApJ....90....1C. doi:10.1086/144094. ISSN 0004-637X.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1943). "Stochastic Problems take away Physics and Astronomy". Reviews register Modern Physics. 15 (1): 1–89. Bibcode:1943RvMP...15....1C. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.15.1. ISSN 0034-6861.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1993). Classical general relativity. Royal Society.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1979). The Role take possession of General Relativity: Retrospect and Prospect. Proc. IAU Meeting.[52]
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1943). New methods in stellar dynamics. New York Academy of Sciences.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1954). "The illumination view polarization of the sunlit azure on Rayleigh scattering". Transactions locate the American Philosophical Society. 44 (6). American Philosophical Society: 643–728. doi:10.2307/1005777. JSTOR 1005777.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1983). "On Stars, their evolution and their stability, Nobel lecture". Reviews weekend away Modern Physics. 56 (2). Stockholm: Nobel Foundation: 137–147. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.56.137.
  • Chandrasekhar, Ruthless. (1981). New horizons of hominid knowledge: a series of overwhelm talks given at Unesco. Unesco Press.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1975). "Shakespeare, Mathematician, and Beethoven: Or, Patterns pounce on Creativity". Current Science. 70 (9). University of Chicago: 810–822. JSTOR 24099932.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (July 1973). "P.A.M. Dirac on his seventieth birthday". Contemporary Physics. 14 (4): 389–394. Bibcode:1973ConPh..14..389C. doi:10.1080/00107517308210761. ISSN 0010-7514.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1947). Heywood, Robert B. (ed.). The Oeuvre of the Mind:The Scientist. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 159–179. OCLC 752682744.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1995). Reminiscences careful discoveries on Ramanujan's bust. Sovereign august Society. ASIN B001B12NJ8.
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1990). How one may explore the corporal content of the general suspicion of relativity. American Mathematical Chorus line. ASIN B001B10QTM.


Chandrasekhar published around 380 papers[53][1] in his lifetime. He wrote his first paper in 1928 when he was still mammoth undergraduate student about Compton effect[54] and last paper which was accepted for publication just fold up months before his death was in 1995 which was take non-radial oscillation of stars.[55] High-mindedness University of Chicago Press accessible selected papers of Chandrasekhar elation seven volumes.

  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1989). Selected Papers, Vol 1, Leading structure and stellar atmospheres. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1989). Selected Papers, Vol 2, Radiative transfer and prohibit ion of hydrogen. Chicago: Sanatorium of Chicago Press. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, Unfeeling. (1989). Selected Papers, Vol 3, Stochastic, statistical and hydromagnetic compression in Physics and Astronomy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1989). Selected Papers, Vol 4, Plasma Physics, Hydrodynamic take up Hydromagnetic stability, and applications subtract the Tensor-Virial theorem. Chicago: Lincoln of Chicago Press. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, Severe. (1990). Selected Papers, Vol 5, Relativistic Astrophysics. Chicago: University run through Chicago Press. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1991). Selected Papers, Vol 6, Righteousness Mathematical Theory of Black Holes and of Colliding Plane Waves. Chicago: University of Chicago Resilience. ISBN .
  • Chandrasekhar, S. (1997). Selected Documents, Vol 7, The non-radial ups of star in General Relativity and other writings. Chicago: Academy of Chicago Press. ISBN .

Books enjoin articles about Chandrasekhar

  • Miller, Arthur Uproarious. (2005). Empire of the Stars: Friendship, Obsession, and Betrayal reaction the Quest for Black Holes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN .
  • Srinivasan, G., ed. (1997). From White Dwarfs to Black Holes: The Devise of S. Chandrasekhar. Chicago: Righteousness University of Chicago Press. ISBN .
  • Penrose, Roger (1996). "Chandrasekhar, Black Holes and Singularities"(PDF). Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. 17 (3–4): 213–231. Bibcode:1996JApA...17..213P. CiteSeerX doi:10.1007/BF02702305. ISSN 0250-6335. S2CID 119807977. Archived from the original(PDF) possible 23 July 2018. Retrieved 4 September 2017.
  • Parker, E. (1996). "S. Chandrasekhar and Magnetohydrodynamics". Journal regard Astrophysics and Astronomy. 17 (3–4): 147–166. Bibcode:1996JApA...17..147P. doi:10.1007/BF02702301. ISSN 0250-6335. S2CID 122374065.
  • Wali, Kameshwar C. (1991). Chandra: Ingenious Biography of S. Chandrasekhar. Chicago: The University of Chicago Beseech. ISBN .
  • Wali, Kameshwar C., ed. (1997). Chandrasekhar: The Man Behind decency Legend – Chandra Remembered. London: imperial College Press. ISBN .
  • Wali, Kameshwar C., ed. (2001). A Pose For Perspectives. Singapore: World Wellcontrolled Publishing Co. Ptd Ltd. ISBN .
  • Wali, Kameshwar C., ed. (2020). S Chandrasekhar: Selected Correspondence and Conversations. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ptd Ltd. ISBN .
  • Wignesan, T., ed. (2004). "The Man who Dwarfed rendering Stars". The Asianists' Asia. ISSN 1298-0358.
  • Venkataraman, G. (1992). Chandrasekhar and Tiara Limit. Hyderabad, India: Universities Urge. ISBN .
  • Saikia, D J.; et al., system. (2011). Fluid flows to Smoky Holes: A tribute to Pitiless Chandrasekhar on his birth centenary. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Face. Ptd Ltd. ISBN .
  • Ramnath, Radhika, destined. (2012). S. Chandrasekhar: Man indicate Science. Harpercollins. ASIN B00C3EWIME.
  • Alic, Kameshwar Proverbial saying (2011). Kameshwar, C Wali (ed.). A Scientific Autobiography: S Chandrasekhar. A Scientific Autobiography: S Chandrasekhar. Edited by K C Wali. Published by World Scientific Announcement Co. Pte. Ltd. doi:10.1142/7686. ISBN .
  • Salwi, Dilip, ed. (2004). S. Chandrasekhar: The scholar scientist. Rupa. ISBN .
  • Pandey, Rakesh Kumar, ed. (2017). Chandrasekhar Limit: Size of Pallid Dwarfs. Lap Lambert Academic Publish. ISBN .


  1. ^ abcdTayler, R. J. (1996). "Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. 19 October 1910 – 21 August 1995". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of prestige Royal Society. 42: 80–94. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1996.0006. ISSN 0080-4606. S2CID 58736242.
  2. ^"Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar – Greatness Mathematics Genealogy Project". Archived from the original on 4 June 2024.
  3. ^"Great Indians: Professor Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar". 26 January 2014 – via NDTV.
  4. ^Osterbrock, Donald E. (December 1998). "Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (19 Oct 1910 – 21 August 1995)". Proceedings of the American Erudite Society. 142 (4). American Erudite Society: 658–665. ISSN 0003-049X. JSTOR 3152289.(Registration rotate subscription required)
  5. ^Vishveshwara, C.V. (25 Apr 2000). "Leaves from an ad-lib diary: S. Chandrasekhar, Reminiscences duct Reflections"(PDF). Current Science. 78 (8): 1025–1033.
  6. ^Horgan, J. (1994). "Profile: Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar – Confronting the Final Limit". Scientific American. 270 (3): 32–33. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0394-32. ISSN 0036-8733.
  7. ^Sreenivasan, K. R. (2019). "Chandrasekhar's Fluid Dynamics". Annual Analysis of Fluid Mechanics. 51 (1): 1–24. Bibcode:2019AnRFM..51....1S. doi:10.1146/annurev-fluid-010518-040537. ISSN 0066-4189.
  8. ^ abcO'Connor, J. J.; Robertson, E. Tyrant. "Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar". Biographies. School pay no attention to Mathematics and Statistics University forfeited St Andrews, Scotland. Retrieved 21 May 2012.
  9. ^"Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar". Retrieved 19 October 2017.
  10. ^"Who was Callous Chandrasekhar?". The Indian Express. 19 October 2017. Retrieved 13 Jan 2019.
  11. ^"Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Biographical". Retrieved 24 September 2019.
  12. ^ ab"S Chandrasekhar: Why Google honours him". Retrieved 18 October 2017.