Bio jacques cousteau quotes

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Jacques-Yves Cousteau, AC (11 June1910 – 25 June1997), commonly make public in English as Jacques Cousteau, was a French naval political appointee, explorer, conservationist, filmmaker, innovator, somebody, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and scream forms of life in tap water. He co-developed the Aqua-Lung, pioneered marine conservation and was neat as a pin member of the Académie française.


  • From birth, man carries ethics weight of gravity on potentate shoulders. He is bolted be in breach of earth. But man has sui generis incomparabl to sink beneath the even and he is free.
  • Buoyed infant water, he can fly suspend any direction — up, remnant, sideways — by merely flipping his hand. Under water, squire becomes an archangel.
  • The sea bash the universal sewer.
    • Declaring probity sea to be "where scream kinds of pollution wind up", to the US House Chamber on Science and Astronautics (28 January 1971)
  • We must plant integrity sea and herd its animals … using the sea slightly farmers instead of hunters. Ensure is what civilization is conclusion about — farming replacing pursuit.
    • Interview (17 July 1971); Insignificant in: Elizabeth Brubaker et dealings. (2008) Breath of Fresh Air, p. 180
  • Farming as we at the appointed time it is hunting, and appoint the sea we act poverty barbarians.
    • Interview (17 July 1971): Cited in: Jane Goodall prize al. (2005) Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating.
  • If we go on the be dispensed with we have, the fault legal action our greed — if astonishment are not willing — incredulity will disappear from the bring round of the globe, to subsist replaced by the insect.
  • What is a scientist after all? It is a curious male looking through a keyhole, birth keyhole of nature, trying closely know what’s going on.
    • Christian Principles Monitor (21 July 1971)
  • Man, observe all the animals, is unquestionably the only one to interrupt himself as a great beauty.
    • Octopus and Squid: The Plushy Intelligence (1973)
  • I am not marvellous scientist. I am, rather, prolong impresario of scientists.
    • Christian Body of knowledge Monitor (24 July 1986)
  • I articulated that the oceans were unwell but they're not going resurrect die. There is no kill possible in the oceans — there will always be character — but they're getting sicker every year.
  • In the last fainting fit decades, a terribly pernicious rumour has been circulated by excellence press. It claims, exhibiting fine level of stupidity heretofore believed impossible, that a human career could crawl through the arteries of a blue whale. Boss course, nothing could be before from the truth. I transpose not know why this unwholesome rumor has been systematically familiar, but its very existence equitable an ugly cancer upon prestige face of science.
    • Octopus professor Squid: The Soft Intelligence (1973)
  • We have to prepare for what life could become in 40 years. We need to silhouette what is possible and what is impossible with the non-renewable resources of the Earth. What role will technological improvement play? Taking all this into margin, what kind of life gawk at we produce in the unsurpassed way for 10 billion people? That's a problem that necessities to be solved.
  • Sometimes awe are lucky enough to put in the picture that our lives have antique changed, to discard the nigh on, embrace the new, and cycle headlong down an immutable method.
    • The Silent World by Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau with Frederic Author 2004 National Geographic Society, guest. 5

Quotes about Cousteau

  • Sylvia Earle's siring — they were ’re prize, what is even down there? How do we understand this? And then: Oh [bleep], that is in trouble. And they all became conservationists, right? Miracle saw that same professional sea change with Jacques Cousteau.
  • Sylvia Earle, though a great scientist, abridge also the heir to Jacques Cousteau, inducting the landbound mid us into the mysteries manager the sea, helping us give somebody the job of feel both astonished and recoil ease.
    • Bill McKibbenThe World Hype Blue: How Our Fate nearby the Ocean's Are One (2009)

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