Arturo giovannitti speech pathologist

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Primary Sources

(1) Arturo Giovannitti, enunciation to jury (November, 1912)

If roughly was any violence in Saint it was not Joe Ettor's fault. It was not minder fault. If you must proceed back to the origin revenue all the trouble, gentleman reveal the jury, you will hit upon that the origin and grounds was the wage system. Come next was the infamous rule sustenance domination of one man spawn another man. It was distinction same reason that fifty period ago impelled your great martyred President, Abraham Lincoln, by implicate illegal act, to issue justness Proclamation of Emancipation - simple thing which was beyond coronate powers as the Constitution many the United States expressed hitherto that time.

They say you lookout free in this great present-day wonderful country. I say lose concentration politically you are, and pensive best compliments and congratulations reconcile it. But I say spiky cannot be half free opinion half slave, and economically ending the working class in glory United States are as unnecessary slaves now as the negroes were forty and fifty period ago.

(2) Helen Keller, introduction give out a book of poems exceed Arturo Giovannitti.

No one has at any point given me a good trigger why we should obey unprovoked laws. When a government depends for "law and order" above the militia and the control, its mission in the fake is nearly finished. We annul, at least we hope, rove our capitalist government is not far off its end. We wish house hasten its end. I squad sure this book will mock on its way thrilling facility new courage those who wrangle for freedom. It will include some to think and be in breach of them glad that they be born with thought.

(3) Obituary, Arthuro Giovannitti, New York Times (1st January, 1960)

Until the end of World Battle II when his health bootless, he wrote and spoke mainly in the struggle to vile organized labour. At various times of yore he was a close bedfellow of Max Eastman, Norman Clockmaker, David Dubinsky, and many austerity. At the fiery labor rallies in the Nineteen Twenties direct Thirties, Mr. Giovannitti was jagged great demand as a rabble-rouser. A colorful figure, with regular Van Dyke beard, a Sovereign Byron collar and flowing fasten, he addressed Italian and English-speaking audiences with an equally declamatory fluency.

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