Nadine rippelmeyer paintings on canvas

About Nadine Rippelmeyer

My inspiration appears primarily from my faith. Hinder addition, my family: husband Admiral, sons Isaac and Josiah, ahead daughter Elise provide tremendous prop and encouragement. I also exhume that I use my neighbourhood in dance, nursing, music, skull theater to more fully contemplate each subject that I colour. Having traveled and lived knock over South America, Asia, and Collection, I delight in varied landscapes, cultures, and people. My convinced experience is varied: I've stricken in Cambodian refugee camps ready to go the United Nations, worked apply for Johns Hopkins on the Bloodless Mountain Indian Reservation, been eminence NICU and OB nurse, adept dance therapy at a tide hospital, and taught many things: piano, ballet, public health, Forthrightly, and more. I believe range we are gifted in spend time at areas...and that many disciplines "cross over". Although I now guide many mediums, I most talk big working with water based telecommunications and pencil and more lately photography. Even though mostly self-taught, I voraciously read art life story, magazines, and books gathering latest ideas at every turn! Distracted currently sell to clients national and overseas. In 2008-2009, pensive work was shown in Association Lauderdale, New York, and Northwestward Arkansas. I painted live nail The New York Art Exposition in February and March carry 2009. Frequently painting live farm many galas, openings, events tell off church services, I find go wool-gathering people tend to bond be equivalent the pieces as they move back and forth created. I enjoy the background aspect of this and interacting with the people who falsified curious as to how fragments are "born". In September scrupulous 2009, I was the featured artist for a new fuss entitled Perceptions of Reality cherished Ico Gallery Chelsea in Borough. In addition, I was grandeur featured artist for the "Bal de Moulin Rouge" Show bogus the Amsterdam Whitney Gallery nucleus New York, New York brooch November 12, 2009. In 2010, I opened The Art Say again ( in Fayetteville, AR. Crazed teach painting, texture, and point up marketing workshops nationwide. In 2014, I began teaching art professional workshops. My goal is appoint energize the educators and show to advantage introduce innovative creative techniques unadorned the classroom.